Monday, September 04, 2017

More Instagram Posts

There are really two reasons why I have been absent from this blog for so long. The first is time. With three kids, it is worth even more than money. You have all heard that a mom barely has time to shower or go to the bathroom. (Guess what? That is so true! I am so grateful you do not have Smell-O-Vision now!) The second is content. I doubt that anyone would like to see my lunch of a half-eaten bowl of Spaghetti-Os that my youngest child rejected. And that is where Instagram comes into play. You only have to post one picture and it could be filtered to the max and is a totally false representation of your life! And that is the reason that I love it!

#BackToSchool #lunch for the big guy. #1stGrade #FirstGrade here we come! #firstdayofschool #1stdayofschool #lunchtime

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Thursday, August 10, 2017

So ... A Funny Thing Happened ...

I finally bit the bullet and joined Instagram this year. I am so technologically behind that I missed out on the usernames "passionateeater" and "passionate_eater," but I managed to snag "passionate.eater" before it evaded my grasp! Although no one except my one true fan (hi Mom!) checks this blog anymore, it feels like adultery (or blog-ltery) to post food pictures on Instagram and not on ole' food blog, so here are some (or, pretty much all) of my Instagram food pictures to date! Oh, and I am learning the art of the Instagram filter, so don't eviscerate the lackluster pictures, if you please.

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Nothing says "Sunday morning" like an enameled Dutch oven brimming with vegetables! #lunch #lunchtime

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We have never used the griddle on our retro stove, but it serves as a great place to set up a "mise-en-place" #lunch #lunchtime

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