Friday, December 09, 2005

Get Shorty: The Makings of Korean Short Ribs

Making Korean short ribs is fairly uncomplicated. You don’t need multiple ingredients or exotic spices, and there isn’t that much labor involved.

As long as you have soy sauce, rice wine (or dry sherry), sugar, a package of beef short ribs, and a large knob of ginger, you can make a pretty good set of Korean short ribs.

First, you must marinate the short ribs. For every 4 sliced short rib racks, add 1/4 of a cup of soy sauce, 1/4 of a cup of rice wine, and 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar together as the marinade.

Also, you may want to add 2 cloves of garlic, and a quick drizzle of sesame oil.

Also add 1 tablespoon of finely minced ginger.

Let it marinate overnight.

Although the short ribs taste best grilled, you can also cook them in a non-stick skillet.

Be sure to drain off the oil though, and keep the ribs on the dry side, so that the sugar will caramelize onto the ribs.

Before placing the ribs on a serving plate, drain them on paper towels or a paper plate. I find that short ribs have a lot of fat and gristle, so it is good to try and eliminate the excess where you can. I like to take the grease away in the latter stages of cooking, as opposed to trimming the meat before cooking it. That way, I think that the ribs are not as dry, and quite moist and juicy.

This is my first "recipe" posting, so I’m interested to know if you make these ribs, and what you think!


  1. Yum! Looks delicious!

    Garnishing idea: you may want to sprinkle sesame seeds for contrast and some spring onions for color.

  2. Hi PE - Looks very nice! as with your Oxtail Stew posts, I really enjoy your step-by-step photos. Here's my Kalbi Recipe link:

    An interesting thing might be to add Asian Pear, Papaya, or Kiwi puree - most Korean BBQ places uses one of the above - don't overmarinate, though. Also, the addition of Malt Syrup gives the Kalbi a nice "sheen" and flavor.

    I'm really enjoying all your posts!

  3. Excellent suggestion Katimugambalon! Using sesame seeds and spring onions to garnish the ribs would improve the presentation significantly! I'll definitely try that next time.

    It sounds like your recipe is much more authentic than mine Kirk. I just found mine online, and made a few modifications. I'd like to try your recipe--I agree that fruit puree is an interesting ingredient. Do you know where I can buy malt syrup from? Thank you again for your kindness Kirk, I am looking forward to trying a mmm-yoso recipe!

  4. PE, try using 7-up, honey or pureed Pears to add that sweet kick we love in kalbi. Those really do look delicious.

  5. Thank you so much Dylan for the tip! My ribs came out okay, but I think when I incorporate your suggestions (and Kirk's suggestions), they will be the delicious real-deal. I'm glad to hear that things are going well at Cafe Pinot!

  6. Hi PE - It really doesn't matter so long it tastes good. You can get malt syrup from any Korean Grocer.

  7. Kirk, I am so fortunate to have found you on the web, and also to have the privilege of your wonderful comments. I've learned so much from you! Now off to the Korean Grocery Stores! :)

  8. The pictures are great!!! They definitely make the recipe alive!!! I'll try it myself.

    Serving suggestion: serve with mung bean sprouts salad with kimchi as side dish to add a little more Korean theme.

  9. Thank you for the wonderful idea Joseph Haw Jr., I know where to buy pre-made kimchi, but I wonder how hard it is to make. I've seen some simplified recipes for kimchi on Food Network.

    Joseph, did you see Kirk's recipe for kalbi? My recipe is an Americanized version, but I think his is more authentic.

    Thank you everyone! With all of these amazing suggestions, I know that my next batch of short ribs will be the best ever!

  10. My mouth is watering!! I think I will try it tonight!

  11. Thank you Lizlsmom, I feel the same about your almond roca post! If it is a "family recipe," it must be good! (It seems like it would be great as a holiday candy present.)

  12. J and I once again would love to come over and have a tasting! Looks mmm mmm good!!!!!!

  13. Hi Alf! Yes, I'd like it if you came over! What are your favorite foods again? What about Julie?

    I am already planning a party with Stan--either a house-warming party or a football party. Expect an Evite soon!

  14. Hi... Found the link like you said I would from Stan's site. =)

    My experience with short ribs has been very positive mainly because the cooking time for them is short especially when you grill them up.

    The fruit and sweet components (vs. straight-up sugar) sound interesting to me because fruits sometimes contain both sweets and acids. I'd like to experiment.

    I can imagine that using fruit in the marinade will definitely add depth to the flavor, though, not just in terms of direct sweetness, but also because the carmelization process and benefits will be emphasized (and hopefully still easy to control) if cooked over an open flame.

  15. Why is it that my ribs always comes out tough and chewy? I even tried using the kiwi to "tenderize"....all it does is make the outer part of the ribs slimy.

    Is your secret just the quality of the meat you buy?

  16. I am so glad that you came to visit JeffL! The next thing we now have to do now, is arrange a time when we can get together (with Stan) and make Beef Barley Soup!

    Wow, reading your description of short ribs makes me feel like a novice. Have you found any fruits to be particularly suitable for making short ribs?

    You flatter me Elmomonster! My ribs also come out tough and chewy! I have always thought that a bit of rubbery gristle was essential in short ribs.

    What I do however, is marinate the ribs for 24hrs in soy sauce and sugar alone. I think that the soy sauce breaks down some of the proteins in the beef ribs. I also cook them longer--for some reason I believe that the toughness decreases with prolonged cooking times, like a pot roast or oxtails.

    I consulted with my biochemist sibling, who informed me that certain fruits have enzymes that specifically break down the molecular structures in proteins. (For instance, raw pineapple and papaya can never be used in gelatins, because the gelatin will not be able to solidify correctly.) That's why I think the ribs turn out slimy, because the proteins are breaking down fairly quickly.

    How long do you marinate the ribs for? Have you tried any other pureed fruits?


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