Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Away for a Few Days

First, I want to apologize for not leaving comments on some of my favorite sites. I'm still visiting, but won't be leaving any "evidence" of my visits or my thoughts.

Someone accidentally shut a car door on my right hand this Monday, and I had to go to the emergency room to get it "fixed up" with glue and gauze tape. One of my fingers looked especially grotesque. (Don't read the rest of this paragraph if you are the "easy-to-become-queasy" type.) Essentially, it was comparable to BallparkTM hot dog, that had plumped too much from being over-boiled, and had split open.

The bad news is, is that I have to wear an aluminum finger splint, which makes typing very difficult. The good news is, is that I get to read your wonderful posts and comments while I am gone. I hope to be back soon, in both posts and comments.

Take care everyone, and in the words of
Eat, Drink, and Be Merry, thank you for reading.


  1. Oh man, poor passionate soul, i wish you the best in your recovery. That f*cking sucks. I mean i've had bad stuff happpen like stubbing my pinky toe on doors and tablelegs but nothing like that. I'll have to say that i truly miss your postings and responses "my twin". Talk to us soon ok?

  2. Hi PE - Ooohh! Take care of those injured digits. Our best wishes for a stress and pain free recovery. We'll be here often to check up on you.

  3. PE,

    I'm soooo sorry to hear that! Ouch! I can only imagine how bad it must hurt. Get well soon, and put the guilt trip on that person to take you out to a nice dinner!

  4. I'm sorry to hear of your smashed and mashed fingers. Become friends with the Tylenol bottle and take it easy!

  5. PE,

    *hugs* OMG, that sucks!!! Get well soon, OK?

  6. sorry about your finger...

  7. Aw, poopy! Take care, and thanks for going to all the trouble to bang out an explanation.
    Glue? Really?

  8. hi PE,
    sorry about your finger...hope you recover soon.

  9. Hey,

    Sorry for posting this as a comment, couldn't find e-mail contact info on your blog.

    Anyway, just ran into your blog. It's pretty cool. Come join (beta password: yummy). It’s “friendster for foodies”.
    It would be awesome if you participated and invited all your friends, but syndicating your blog is a start too!


  10. Okay, I feel spry enough to get back into blogging now! My hand is still a bit sensitive at times, but I miss everyone, and want to get back into the food blogging world.

    Thank you so much everyone: Eat, Drink, & Be Merry, Kirk, Elmo Monster, Rachel, Pam, Anonymous, Cookie Crumb, and finally J Haw! I sincerely appreciate everyone's kind words and wishes--thank you greatly. I am so fortunate to have you all as my blogging friends.

    And DB., I'd love to join Food Candy! I am already a major Friendster-addict, so your site sounds like my kinda place.

  11. hi PE,
    glad your back on track. i missed you posts...i'm praying double time for your recovery.

  12. Thank you for your prayers J Haw. I greatly appreciate your kindness, my friend.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment! I read and enjoy every comment, and will try to reply if time permits. If you have a blog, please leave a link. I love to discover new and delicious sites!