Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I'll Be Back (Soon)

Sorry for the extreme lack of posts lately! I just finished taking a nice vacation from work, and will be back this week to post and reply to your comments! Keep on visiting friends, I'll try to post some creative recipes tomorrow night!


  1. Hi PE - Hope you're having a fun and restful vacation!

  2. Miss your food pix...hope to see some soon!

  3. Cool, look forward to your 'return'!

  4. Hurry, we're waiting (patiently).

  5. Thank you so much Kirk, Rachel, TFP, and Eat, Drink, and Be Merry! I've missed you guys, and need to catch up with my comments--on your sites, that is! (Or is it "that are"? Err, I hope you know what I mean.)

  6. Ditto for me! Can't wait to see what other delicious experiences you'll be writing about.

  7. Hi Elmo Monster! I hope you had a restful and wonderful vacation, it is great to see you back and posting again!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment! I read and enjoy every comment, and will try to reply if time permits. If you have a blog, please leave a link. I love to discover new and delicious sites!