Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I'm Baaack!!

I just got back from a refreshing week-long vacation! I've been eating out a lot and also dining at plenty of fast food joints. Stay tuned for updated posts (and comments to your blogs) that will be coming soon (or later, depending on when I catch up with work). Till then, please enjoy these pictures of a fried fish sandwich from Oakland International Airport!


  1. Welcome back PE...missed your posts. When you crave fast food, nothing else hits the spot. That looks like a mighty tasty sandwich!

  2. Hi PE - Welcome back. Did you really enjoy that airport sandwich???

  3. Great to have you back! I was just wondering today how things were as there have been no posts for a while. That fish sandwich looks pretty good.

  4. Welcome back! Can't wait for more updates on your adventures.

  5. I love you guys Kirk, Rachel, TFP, and Elmo Monster! I missed you while I was away, and had a lot of posts (your's of course) to read this week! I'm still not entirely done, but I am making slow but steady progress!

  6. Hi PE, welcome back! I know how hard it is to blog about a vacation. I'm only on day 3 of 6 of my Japan trip. I doubt i'll finish... haha.

  7. You can look at it as either having the glass half-full or half-empty Eat, Drink, and Be Merry, and in my opinion, you are already half done! Now that's progress! ;)

  8. Oops, I forgot to answer your question Kirk, the sandwich was actually very moist and hit the spot--you know, the spot in your growling stomach that needs to be satiated as you're waiting in line for the airplane to arrive!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment! I read and enjoy every comment, and will try to reply if time permits. If you have a blog, please leave a link. I love to discover new and delicious sites!