Thursday, December 21, 2006

Low Income Holiday Party 2006

You've seen a couple of posts about the corporate holiday parties that I've had the privilege of attending, and if you were a reader of mine back in 2005, then you've seen a post about the anti-corporate party generally thrown at my workplace during the holidays.

This year, I'm pleased to report that the holiday potluck we threw at work this year was a resounding success, and the best part of it was that the food was significantly better than the corporate holiday party I attended on the "other side of town."

My favorite food items at the party? Everything was deliciously homemade by my co-workers, but I have to admit, the most memorable items were the overflowing platters of appetizers brought by a co-worker's significant other (who just so happens to descend from a distinguished lineage of restauranteurs). I thought that the appetizer plates looked so gorgeous and visually attractive, that I whipped out my digicam--which had been discreetly tucked away under my tacky holiday outfit--and within a matter of mere seconds, became a fierce and voracious food paparazzo.

Feast your hungry eyes on these poached spears of asparagus wrapped in thick slices of well-salted, high-quality Italian prosciutto; and

Golden, buttery, and flaky tart shells ornately decorated with a thin slices of rare roasted beef and a substantial dollop of creamy (yet "well-textured") horseradish.

Okay, so the food at my work holiday party was technically "donated," but I know you corporate employees are looking at these pictures (and still toiling away in your cubicle), while salivating in jealousy!


  1. So lucky! Our company decided not to have a Christmas party this year (actually I'm relieved about that). So our department went to Romano's Macaroni Grill. Which would've been fine if I had chosen the right dish.

    Mental note:
    Never order a salad that touts too many savory/salty components, no matter how good it sounds.

    Because parmesan crisps, fried proscuitto, feta cheese, pecans in a salad all at once just makes for a sodium overload!

  2. spectacular!! i'd love an office party like that.

  3. Hi PE - Talk about inducing a stomach growl! We got our annual "pancake breakfast"...ick!

  4. You changed the bg of the site? Looks very cool...

  5. wow... looks delicious as usual p.e.!

    go ANTI-CORPORATE party!! i love it!!

    ANARCHY and Potluck, what a dynamite combination ! Splendid concept P.E... Just Splendid.. !!

  6. That meal actually sounds pretty good Elmo Monster, but when you point out the elevated sodium content, it seems like it must have been a night requiring of heavy drinking (of water)!

    It was modest and very warm Pink Nest. It is good to celebrate the holidays with a small party.

    I hope your short stack of holiday hotcakes came with Vermont maple syrup and breakfast sausage pattiesKirk K! If not, then what the heck kinda celebration is that? You need a raise!

    Budding Cook, I was happy to wolf down those little critters!

    Ooops, perhaps my background didn't download correctly Rasa Malaysia, because I didn't change anything.

    That anarchy tasted delicious Rick James!

  7. I love this idea! We had some old wine from a Class in the 1970s and stuff brought in from Porto's... Mmm... but nothing beats YOUR anti-holiday party! YUM!!! :D Happy holidays!!!

  8. Yes I'm salivating, darn you. I'm practically drowning in my own drool!

    - Chubbypanda

  9. office parties are the best! personally, i prefer a low key, relaxing atmosphere. no need for fanfare--just good food and good company!

  10. What Bola?! Wine from 1970?! I think your party just blew mine out of the water!

    I also drowned in my own drool when looking at your Christmas feast with Kat and the brie & pesto cheese fritter at your New Year's party Chubby Panda! And by the way, I am already married to smoked gouda, but you can be the second spouse or concubine.

    I totally wanted to crash your pre-holiday party at the Carnelian Room Jinerous! Too bad I didn't have a badge to get in, although I have a badge to get into the same building as you!


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