Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Reaching My "Dining Out" Limit for 2007


Just like the classic comic strips, each time I open my wallet to pay my portion of the restaurant bill, little gnats humiliatingly fly out of my wallet and buzz around my head as if I hadn't showered in several days.

But just before I am done dining out for 2007, I want to relive a meal that I enjoyed at a retirement party at
Faz Restaurant in San Francisco just this last week. Perhaps that way, I can later look back at 2007 not as the year that I blew my "dining out" spending limit in the first month, but as a year (or month) that I ate pretty darn well.

Eating "darn well" included starting with Faz's organic salad of mixed greens which helped to refresh and ready my tired palate for my second course: pomegranate chicken. The dish included a sizable half of a fire-roasted chicken, bronzed and caramelized from the glowing coals and dancing oven flames. The chicken was served in a thick pool of reduced pomegranate sauce and was garnished with crunchy and nutty pomegranate kernels which exploded their abundant juices into my mouth with each bite. The chicken also came with paper thin-skinned, roasted fingerling potatoes which were steaming and creamy on the inside; and crisp and verdant haricot verts.

Last course? A fluffy, cream-saturated mattress of tiramisu, adorned with two angular strawberry spears and crunchy chocolate chips. The tiramisu was topped off with a generous dusting of superfine powdered sugar and equally ample drenching of a luscious creme anglaise.

Although I hit my spending limit relatively early this year, because I also hit my waist-size limit, I consider myself victorious!


  1. It sounds and looks scrumptious! I really enjoy your blog :o)

  2. Stop this!

    I am on a diet.

  3. Man, I admire you. You have a budget. If I had one, I think I'd already be in the red ten times over. Ignorance is bliss!

    By the way, I want that dessert. Now.

  4. Oh my goodness...I'm ravenous after reading your blog!

  5. budget? what's that?


    those pointy strawberries are devil horns!!

  6. Noooo~! PE needs to eat out mooooore!

    *sniff* I need my SanFran food porn.

    Go out at least one more time, since you've been tagged for my Save Our Faves 2007 food blogger meme. Check out my post for the meme here. Hope you can join the fun. =)

  7. Very interesting blog ;) ...... I bet you would like my blog.... Take care, iwiwag

  8. Wow, it all looks great!! When are we invited to dinner?

  9. I just discovered your blog. San Francisco is my favorite city. I lived there a few years in my childhood, came back often to visit family, but it's been a few years now... Thank you for tickling my tastebuds and making my return imminent!

  10. To paraphrase Dennis Hopper in Blue Velvet"Ill eat anything that moves".

  11. Is that vomit on that tiramisu? I like chicken though.

  12. Hellelujah. At last a blog that celebrates food....

  13. your blog is amazing !..I have the same interest for food ;) I'm always looking for new recipes or new things to discover and cook ...

    PS:sorry for mistakes I may have done ..I'm french

    NB: would you like from me to send you a part of brie or other cheese ? ;)

  14. This is making me starving!

  15. I skipped lunch today coz of some things to do.. seeing your blog is a hard test for my stomach now! I'm hungry and everything looks delicious!!

  16. there should be laws against posting pictures like that ;)


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