Saturday, February 24, 2007

An Everyday Pleasure #3: Dry-Roasted Pea Snacks

Princess, imagine one of these under your mattress.

These dry-roasted pea pebbles are encompassed with buttery jackets of crunchy cracker coating, and often spiced up with a piquant bite of wasabi.

After being introduced to this healthy snack invention a year ago, I've been an addict ever since. And I am constantly thinking of ways to incorporate these simple, yet fulfilling Japanese munchies into my life.

Rather than reaching into a crumpled foil bag half-full with broken and translucent potato chips, I now make a beeline for dehydrated peas. No more popcorn at the movies! No more pretzels during the Monday night football game! Rather, I electrify my palate by substituting wasabi peas for monotonous and lackluster snacks instead.

The best thing about these pea snacks, is that your hands won't be filthy with residual neon-orange cheese powder afterwards. And, after snacktime, you can raise your spotless hands in the air and proclaim, "No oleaginousness here!"


  1. I've got a funny story about wasabi peas. I was picking up my girls from school one day and while in the traffic queue I opened up a small pack of these wasabi peas.

    As I was approaching the waiting shed, I poured the remainder of the peas into my mouth, a crunch or two later, the nasal orgasm kicks in and tears start to flow!

    Just then a teacher decides to come up to the car and tell me about a school project! There I was trying to hold back the tears and she trying to keep a straight face!

  2. These are such great snacks - go well with beer and munchies too. I love the wasabi version. I get double takes when my coworkers see me munching on these. mmm.

  3. "No oleaginousness here!"
    Yer killin' me.

  4. I like pairing wasabi peas with nigori sake. I grate fresh wasabi straight into the sake for some extra punch. Ahhh... clears the sinuses.

  5. I love these! I've been eating a lot of potato chips lately, and I should probably replace them with pea snacks. Thanks for the tip!

  6. That is a hilarious story Anak Brunei! Once you get wasabi through the nasal passage, there is no turning back!

    The best part of it is Eat, Drink, & Be Merry, is that the pea snacks are "healthy!"

    I get carried away sometimes Cookie Crumb!

    Dang, you are intense Chubby Panda, straight up fresh wasabi into sake?! You must have sinuses of steel!

    Yes, I am all about promoting healthy eating Christine D., or my kind of "healthy" eating!

  7. I'm addicted to these babies!!!.. I can't stop eating them. I love that little kick of wasabi every now and then. I'm not sure if they are "that" healthy if I finish the whole tin in a day. I literally have to throw it away to stop me from eating.

  8. oooh i love wasabi peas as well. but you know what i like even more? those shrimp-flavored chips. lol! i know they're nowhere near as good for you as the peas are, but i can't help it.

  9. Hi PE - I like to add Wasabi Peas, Garlic Corn Nuts, and Arare to my Trail Mix....that way there's a nice surprise on every handful!

    Hey your word verification is - appropriate!

  10. My wasabi pea addiction began in San Francisco about 6 years ago. I finally had to quit, cold turkey last year.
    Wasabi-pea crusted fish is a good way to incorporate them into your life.
    "-Place the wasabi peas in a blender and mix until a bread crumb consistency. Place on a plate.
    Season the salmon with salt and white pepper, then crust the meat side of the salmon in the wasabi peas."

  11. One whole tin in a day? Dang! You are hilarious Wasabi_Addict!

    Oh yes, I do love those crispy, rice crackery shrimp-flavored chips Pink Nest!

    That sounds like quite a delicious snack combination! I'll try that, and I am going to call that Mmm-Yoso!!! (Trail) Mix!

    Impressive! Did you come up with that recipe yourself Food Marathon? That really is a great way to "massively" incorporate those peas into my life. How many cups of those peas should I use? Thank you for the recipe!

  12. oo..I missed this..gotta get some soon, thx for the reminder :) I used to get those that comes with crispy anchovies too, yummys !:)

  13. I'd love to claim the wasabi pea crusted concept as my original idea, but I stole it from Andrea Immer,1663,FINE_15098_2436364,00.html

  14. Oo, I never tried the ones with the anchovies before, but I'll have to do that soon Melting Wok!

    Thanks for the link and for the recipe Food Marathon! And hey, I'll give you full credit for it!

  15. Do you know the nutritional info for roasted in carbs, fat and protein?


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