Sunday, February 11, 2007

An Everyday Pleasure #1: Steamed Daikon Buns

I love fluffy, vegetarian steamed buns. The pillowy packages are stuffed with healthy and abundantly flavorful ingredients, including scallions, shredded daikon and carrots, and minced mushrooms.

What makes these buns my "everyday pleasure," is that the affordable buns can be purchased from the frozen food section in almost any Asian supermarket, and later microwaved whenever you have a hankering for them.

Forget the barbequed meat, when you can have an equally delicious vegetarian alternative in just a couple of microwave minutes!


  1. Hi PE - Nice new very clean, I better pick up my crumbs, or is it wipe off my drool before I leave! ;o)

  2. Man. That looks gooooood. And it's from frozen?! What brand is this?

  3. If only I diodn't live two hours away from the nearest Asian Market!!!
    Darn living in the sticks!

  4. YES YES YES YES YES! i cannot tell you how much i adore steamed buns. i love pork ones, but the veggie ones are just as good. and so are black bean. oh i want one NOW.

  5. I've never had the pleasure of tasting a steamed bun! They do look tasty!

  6. Thanks Kirk K! I finally made the full transition to Blogger Beta!

    Elmo Monster, they are the generic brand from 99 Ranch, or "Kimbo" brand of "radish buns!"

    I know how you feel Asian Garden, I used to live in Arizona, and it was hard to learn how to "make do" with what limited food items we had.

    Yum Pink Nest, you just reminded me how delicious black bean buns are!

    If you ever make it down to Vancouver or to San Francisco Rachel, I highly encourage you taste one!

  7. vicariously enjoying steamed buns. with a pot au feu making soup
    neki desu

  8. Sing if girlfriend! Praise instant buns!

  9. Hi Neki Desu! I just checked your site for pictures of the pot au feu, and although I didn't find any, I am vicariously enjoying design and your weaving from you!

    Amen and hallelujah Chubby Panda!

  10. What a great idea. I think I'll follow your suggestion and get myself a bag of these in Chinatown!

  11. Yes, they are in the frozen foods aisle (or section) Alegna!


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