Friday, March 16, 2007

A Breakfast Haiku About Brown Rice Congee

Simple and cleansing,
Warm, soothing, and refreshing.
Congee with fried egg.

I was inspired at breakfast this morning while surfing through scrumptious food blogs and the haikus on Craigslist.


  1. Hey - can you email me? I can't see an email address for you. I want to ask you about the comment you left me. In no way was I accusing you of any blame. My complaint was with the website themselves and I would like to discuss it further since they never officially got back to me. I think I am livid with them but I would like to see what you have to say. (becks. dot. posh at gmail)

  2. PE, your haiku is right on the money! And it has officially given me a congee craving :)

  3. *patpat*

    It's ok. Sometimes there's just no avoiding inspiration.

  4. wow, this is what you make in the morning?! amazing. can i stay at YOUR house? although i pride myself on getting up extra early, i can't remember the last time i had a chance to make myself a real breakfast. That's probably why I've had the same oatmeal every morning for the past few years...

  5. I love congee, too! And your haiku captures all the reasons why!

  6. I'm glad we got in touch through email Sam!

    I love haikus and congee Eric, they are so simple, yet satisfying!

    I just wanted to crank my "inspirational" post out there Chubby Panda!

    It was leftover Jinerous, so not that impressive! And oatmeal? I thought it was cereal and milk for m'lady!

    Thank you Taste Tester! I wonder if there are any good congee restaurants in the city. I like one in Daly City by the name of "Porridge King."

    Yes Pink Nest, hip hip hooray!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment! I read and enjoy every comment, and will try to reply if time permits. If you have a blog, please leave a link. I love to discover new and delicious sites!