Sunday, October 14, 2007

A Heart to Heart and Pictures of Tart to Tart

You've probably noticed by now.

I have not had the time to blog as much as I would like to.

It is excruciating for me to sit in my office during the weekends and dream about all of my food blogging friends and the food great blogs I could be looking at. But I am hopeful that even with a few posts and comments, that
Passionate Eater can still act a window into the soul of New Orleans (and also San Francisco). I am going to try to keep my baby food blog chugging along, but sometimes, it might just be food pictures here and there.

As a way to say "I miss you," I want to post these mouthwatering pictures of one thing I miss greatly about San Francisco--its cozy bakeries, candy shoppes, and tapioca stores.

One of the more popular bakeries in San Francisco is situated near the University of California, San Francisco, and it is adorably called Tart to Tart. It is worth fighting medical school students armed with laptops and paper cups of coffee to sample a treat from this cavity-inducing and waist-expanding bakery.

Unfortunately, I have not tried everything I have wanted to at Tart to Tart, but I can draw your attention to some of the more visually-attractive desserts, and the ones that I have tried.

I am a fan of the "Strawberry Cream Slice." The crackly, croissant-like pastry is adorned with a graceful dusting of confectioner's sugar, and is loaded with strawberry halves and deep ripples of whipped cream, so thick that it holds its form. I hate to admit this, but after living in New Orleans, I do wish that this San Francisco bakery was a
little more generous with the sugar.

I also recommend any and all chocolate cakes. The chocolate cake I have tried is rich, stick-to-the-roof-of-your-mouth-dense, and has an overabundance of whirly frosting decorations. Thus, it is everything a good chocolate cake should be.

And the pear tart adeptly balances the soothing flavors of butter and cinnamon. The sensual butteriness within the tart crust makes it clear to anyone consuming it that any and all of the health benefits from the pear have been completely negated.

The other items featured in this post essentially fall in the "I have not tried it yet" category, but I hope that these items move to the "I tasted it, and it was good" category soon.

Yes, I am a fan of cheesecake. And I yes, I like fruit that has been coated with a glistening sugar sheen.

Yes, I am also a fan of lemon meringue pie. Especially if it looks like that.

Mmm-hmm. I also like cheesy apricot tarts. Gimme please.

Alrighty, yes. Cherry chocolate cake with white frosting? You are my friend.


  1. I enjoyed that. I'll have the strawberry thingy.

  2. keep them coming, PE! your loyal readers will still be here. :)
    i think i'll have to wander over to tart to tart sometime this week.

  3. pleasing post. i'll have cherry chocolate

  4. Ooohhhh!! I'll have a bit of everything please!!!

  5. oh this is sinful. i want that strawberry thingie, too!

  6. How many WEight Watchers points does this post cost me! You are so fortunate to have lived somewhere with wonderful bakeries. There is no such place to pine over in my area!

  7. oh so lovely PE, that chocolate, the meringue... it all looks delicious.

  8. Wow I totally have to check this place out!


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