Saturday, March 29, 2008

I'm a Proponent of Photoshop

Introducing. . . Adobe Photoshop Express! You can now use a free online version of Photoshop to crop and modify your food pictures, and now you get 2 GB of free space to store them! If you can't afford Adobe Photoshop or don't have Adobe Photoshop Elements, you should check it out.

Also, I updated my post about Mardi Gras, if you are interested!
Image courtesy of Adobe.


  1. Congratulations on your engagement!
    I'm sure the wedding will go smoothly and you'll have a good time. Sci-fi cake and all.
    Be careful dieting, though. You want your dress to fit, not to slide off you!

  2. Thank you Cookiecrumb, for your sweet words! I will take your advice to heart!


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