Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Only "Sun" In My Life Right Now

Sigh, wedding planning, the NBA Playoffs, and work have really started to take its toll on my life.

First, work stress is making my eyeballs bleed. Deadlines. Deadlines. And more deadlines, that is all I can think about right now.

Second, I bought two dozens of Krispy Kreme donuts for the Habitat for Humanity volunteers this last Saturday, and only two people ate any or took any donuts, leaving me to consume more than a dozen and a half of donuts on my own. And I did so happily, until I realized that my wedding dress is coming in one week. Then I felt depressed and ate a pint of ice cream in front of the kitchen sink.

Third, as you've heard, the Phoenix Suns just let Mike D'Antoni pack his bags and happily walk away from Phoenix. Without a fight. Without a whimper. Without any signs of a struggle to keep him at all. It was like they bought him the plane ticket to New York. Great job, Suns management. Great friggin' job.

Then, just when I thought my week couldn't get any worse, I just watched the New Orleans Hornets let a two-game lead against the Spurs evaporate into nothing. My stomach is churning, in a bad way.

I think I need some sugar to cheer me up. Krispy Kreme and greasy diners, here I come.


  1. *hugs* I still miss you! Maybe that'll put a little cheer in your day....

    btw, no matter what, I know you'll be beautiful on your wedding day. I can't wait to see you and meet the beau.

    Think happy thoughts!
    Your old roomie.

  2. PE, at least you can still see the sun in those eggs! hugs from me too! wish we could send some nice fog to chill out the heat of the deadlines...

  3. Krispy Kreme sounds great right about now....regardless of the mood.

  4. I totally understand about the krispy kreme incident.....

    I hope you are able to take massive time away for your honeymoon - and enjoy this special time!

    Thanks for this great post ~ the eggs look perfect & popable YUM

  5. Thanks for all of your words of encouragement! You guys are the best ever! :) I'll keep chugging along, so long as I can meet up with you all for a meal soon!

  6. PE,

    Noooo!!! As your wedding coordinator, I feel the obligation to remind you that you should diet and exercise to ensure you can fit in the dress!

    Just kidding...

    The eggs looks perfect... mmmmm, eggs...

  7. i recognize that stove! arts cafe! i just moved to sf from la( missing the monterey park food desperately) so im having fun scoping out what places you enjoy here. thanks for all the good food info! :)


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