Saturday, August 02, 2008

New Goals for Life

#1 Get back into blogging.

#2 Blog much more about the amazing city that is New Orleans.

#3 Eat a lot of cheese bread now that the (quasi) diet is over. The goal is just geared towards cheese bread. Not wholegrain wheat, not rye, not pumpernickel, and even not potato bread. Just cheese bread, so astounding and simple. (I'm married now, I don't have to keep my body up anymore!)

#4 Make sure that the cheese bread has tremendous caverns (or at least, substantial pockets) filled with melty cheese. And note the distinction between "melted" and "melty." There is a huge difference.

#5 Put cheese on inappropriate items at each meal, like on clams cooked in wine sauce.


  1. Yay! Welcome back to the blogging world. Wait, you're not blogging on your honeymoon are you? ;)

    BTW, do you want to start adding Foodbuzz ads? Email me and I'll send you the referral so you get more money and I get a referral bonus. Ha! I'm so mercenary. :P

  2. Hi There,
    My name is Liz Amason and I was looking up bloggers in New Orleans, because I'll be in the Crescent City this week.
    I live in Weiser, Idaho and am an independent Shaklee Distributor. Shaklee is holding their convention there this week, and there's going to be an event open to the public on August 7th.
    Please go to my blog and check out the post about it. If, you'd like to attend, let me know.
    Thanks and good luck on getting back into the blogging. I've just gotten started myself.
    Liz Amason
    P.S. I'm an original Bay Area gal. Born in Oakland in the 60's ;-)

  3. Cheese bread sounds good! Those clams look excellent too!
    Looking forward to your future posts.
    I've been in a blogging slump myself.
    I think it is because I am lazy though!

  4. Agree as I need to do the same but slightly reversed for #3:

    #1. definitely get back to blogging

    #3. reversal here:now that I've been married a L O N G time NEED to remain on the quasi-diet ;-D, yes whole grain - but I'll come take a glimpse here for that cheese bread....hehehe...

  5. Welcome back! It's my turn to be busy with the move. Looking forward to read your posts :)

  6. Welcome back and congratulations!

    Oooh, cheesebread. Panera?

  7. Hello everyone, thank you all for welcoming me back!

    And Wandering Chopsticks, I am not blogging from my honeymoon and tell me about those ads!

    Liz Amason, unfortunately, I am busy on the 7th, but welcome to NOLA! Let me know if you need any food recommendations or sightseeing recommendations while you are in the City!

    And thanks for sticking with me during my hiatus Melinda, Taste Memory, Tigerfish, and Christine D., and by the way, it is Panera!

  8. Hi,

    I'm Alisha from Wowzio, and I'm excited to tell you about our new widget platform that helps bloggers increase readership and create more engaged users. I wanted to reach out to you to ask for your feedback on these widgets (feel free to also install them on your blog, if you feel they are a good fit). You can check out widgets customized for your blog here:

    Wowzio Widgets for your blog

    I'm sorry for leaving this message via a comment, it's not at all our intent to spam you ( which is why i'm leaving this comment on an older post and you can always remove this comment ). Again, we would love to hear your feedback.

    Alisha Wright

  9. lol PE I agree with taste memory about the reversing the cheesy bread diet after 15+ years of gluttony... but that bread sounds so good and especially with the clams. Welcome back and I'm so glad you're back in the city!

  10. have been enjoying the transitioning of your blog w. your new city ~ glad to hear you are having fun@ nola!


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