Friday, July 25, 2008

Why I Love Vietnamese Grandmothers

Because after a long day at work, you will "mysteriously" discover a tray full of crackly, golden, and freshly-fried cha gio sitting on the kitchen table. And what do you know? They are just waiting for you to eat them.


  1. Heaven! I could have an entire meal out of those.

  2. oh do I wish I had a Vietnamese Grandmother! That looks delicious

  3. I don't know what those are, but I'd eat em.

  4. I want a Vietnamese Grandmother!!!!

    oh i've missed you too, my friend!!!!

  5. You all are terrific, I wish that I could make these for you too! They are like egg rolls, but made with pork, carrots, thin black mushrooms, and thin cellophane noodles (made out of mung bean). I will post a recipe soon.

  6. This reminds me of my Vietnamese grandmama! :) Lovely pictures!

  7. That looks delicious. I love rereading old blogs. Just nice to see how some things change and some stay the same.


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