Monday, August 11, 2008

Getting More Than Dizzy at Lil' Dizzy's

Lil' Dizzy's Cafe in the Central Business District of New Orleans is known for its unique ambiance--it is built in part of a historic bank (whose traffic has died down significantly since its early heyday). Therefore, you can actually admire the elaborate marble columns and banking-centric murals, visit the non-functional vault near the restrooms, and listen to the banking bustle as financial transactions are really taking place on the other side of the room divider.

During their Sunday jazz brunch, in addition to the live music,
Lil' Dizzy's serves free-flowing mimosas and champagne and offers a comforting selection of all-you-can eat Southern dishes. Therefore, one day after church, I decided to visit Lil' Dizzy's for their jazz champagne brunch, to enjoy a leisurely late morning meal with a live jazz band playing in the background.

We've all heard the time-honored adage, that if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all. Therefore, I am not going to going to say much about these pictures from my most recent visit to
Lil' Dizzy's Cafe.

My experience at the restaurant was great, and I have been to
Lil' Dizzy's at least on five previous occasions with no problem. However, about an hour and a half after this meal, I became violently ill. I usually will not post at places where I fall seriously ill, but I am giving Lil' Dizzy's the benefit of the doubt, since my friend accompanied me during the brunch, loved it, and exhibited no gastrointestinal problems whatsoever. Plus, it takes a lot for me to dislike a New Orleans restaurant, though there are many San Francisco restaurants that are on my eternal blacklist.

At Lil' Dizzy's, my companion and I had the crispy and golden-brown fried chicken,

Macaroni and cheese, seasoned and cubed potatoes fried with their skins on, green beans, stewed chicken, and trout baquet,

Omelets-made-your-way (I ordered an egg white jambalaya omelet and my friend order the triple crab meat omelet, and we split them),

Brothy gumbo and a shrimp salad in a mayonnaisey dressing,


Sticky pecan pie,

And a moist, egg nogg flavored bread pudding.

Ultimately, I hope these pictures speak for themselves, and redeem any perceived shortcomings by
Lil' Dizzy's. Plus, I should qualify my illness, by saying that I ultimately meandered into Lil' Dizzy's towards the end of the brunch hour (when the jazz band had already departed), so if you visit earlier, you might not have any of my complications.


  1. So you left the IE for New Orleans,
    good for you. I will have to save up and make a special trip to the Mission Inn for you.

  2. I LOVE the larger photos!!

  3. Lady, you weren't kidding about getting back to blogging again. More postings, larger photos, and more cooking is always good in my book. :)

    To sign up, go here

  4. I think you are suppose to go plow the North 40 after a meal like that!
    (I'd need a nap)
    The larger pictures are very nice but I nearly fell off my chair when I scrolled them up! I wasn't expecting them. OO!

  5. Hmm, everything looked good. But if I were the suspicious food detective guy, then my main suspect would be the shrimp salad. The dressing looked really wet, so you can never guess what's in it. At least the photos looked great and we didn't get sick viewing them! ;-)

  6. Hi PE - If anything ever qualified as food porn...this would be it.

  7. I can't wait to see your Mission Inn review Inland Empire Restaurant & Food Reviews!

    Thanks for all of your comments on the BIG picture(s) Taste Tester, Wandering Chopsticks, Melinda, and Kirk!

    And hmm, now that you say that Chef Ben, I also think the shrimp might have been the culprit too. It was a little tepid tasting. Thanks for your sleuthing work Detective!

  8. PE, too bad you had a bad reaction, those dishes all looked awesome! Great pictures and the building sounds like a great spot too.


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