Thursday, September 11, 2008

I Embarrass Myself. What Else Is New?

I may be the only one to ever order takeout from Herbsaint.


A few days ago, I was presented with a problem. I was very busy at work, I was hungry for lunch, and I was in the mood for an upscale lunch--at my desk. So I called the celebrated New Orleans restaurant,
Herbsaint, and our conversation went as follows:

"Hi, you don't serve takeout do you? Well, I am in the mood for your grilled flatbread. You know, the one topped with shrimp, spinach, provolone cheese, and garlic butter?"

"Err. Well, we are not that kind of a restaurant. First, we don't have takeout containers. Second, we pride ourselves on 'presentation,' and with takeout, that is not really possible. However, we'll see what we can do. Conceivably, we 'could' wrap the flatbread up in foil for you."

"Oh, hells yeah! I'm over there in 15 minutes! Outs!"

And just like that, I became the first person to ever order takeout from

With their immaculately delicious flatbread, its not hard to understand why one would vehemently crave
Herbsaint's food at anytime of the day.

Allow me to describe why I love
Herbsaint's flatbread (so much so that I would subject myself to the scorn of society, by ordering takeout from an upscale, non-takeout kind-of-place). Herbsaint's flatbread is made of a blistered, crackery, paper-thin bread base. Browned grill marks evenly underscore the bottom of the crispy unleavened bread, and the surface of the bread is generously slathered with melted garlic butter. The crunchy flatbread is also topped with flavorful proportions of (1) chopped shrimp nuggets, bursting with juices and perfectly-cooked shrimp texture, (2) a generous blanket of grated provolone cheese, and (3) soft tufts of spinach, which are carefully nestled into crevices of the flatbread. All of these elements combine to make one of the most amazing parties for your tastebuds, ever.

And the unrivaled fragrance of the bread will make your mouth water uncontrollably. The overpowering garlicky + cheesy aroma wafting from the surface of the bread will make your heart stop dead in its tracks and cause tears to instantaneously fall freely from your flowing tear ducts. The pungent cheese odor is so powerful, it will make you feel that you just opened the sealed doors to a den storing five tons of aging parmesan cheese. It is that good.

After reading this post, you might ask me now, "Was it worth the mortification, of being known as the one and only person to ever order takeout from
Herbsaint?" Reflecting upon my meal, I have just one thing to say:



  1. That is the most delicious looking lunch ever!

  2. That flatbread did look good. I didn't know you were staying in town or did I think wrong???

  3. I don't know how long I was staring at you picture of the flatbread, but you made a wise choice... =)

  4. wow that looks amazing! I only hope that the texture of that delicious looking bread wasn't compromised by steaming inside of foil PE! But I applaud the entire effort and can only imagine your co-workers envy... Salut!

  5. Wow, that looks good!! All I had for lunch was a cold chicken wrap from the cafeteria. I'm jealous. I think I'll make a trip there soon!!

  6. I think the photos explain everything. Period!

  7. "I would subject myself to the scorn of society"...I think of it more in terms of you being a trend-setter with your creativity PE!

  8. Well, I am glad that the photos were delicious and to y'all liking Rachel, Tom, Christine D., Foodhoe, LA Chic, and Marie!

    And Tom, you will find out in few more posts!

    I love the way you think Kirk K!

  9. Oops, I meant "y'alls" but I am not sure whether I am getting the Southern "hang" of vocabulary words.

  10. That flatbread looked like a pizza! I probably might have gone in, sat at the bar, and then ordered something and say, um, you know what, I have to rush off, can you just wrap it up! LOL. I'm shy like that and not as ballsy at you PE!

  11. That looks better than even NYC pizza. I want some of that badly.

    Do you think they would do takeout/delivery to New Jersey?
    Wishful thinking!

    Stacey Snacks


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