Friday, September 26, 2008

Why I Miss Summer in Southern California

These pictures should speak for themselves. No words are necessary.

But if you need words, check out how Taste Memory has aptly summarized why In-N-Out burgers epitomize summer in Southern California.

Otherwise, just imagine the juicy all-meat patty, perfectly grilled and placed upon a toasted white bun, with accompanying leaves of crisp lettuce and slices of ruby red tomato. Oh, and also, the greasy slab of American cheese. That should be enough to make you miss getting drive-in burgers at In-N-Out and going to the Southern California beaches during the summer.

In-N-Out has a cult following because it makes everything on its menu with fresh ingredients and keeps strongly to its company values, which incorporate religious attributes and sound business practices. I definitely became a follower during my time in Southern California, and will bow my head adoringly to the In-N-Out gods from afar.


  1. I think I'm going to cry...


  2. There's one two blocks away from my house, right across the street from UCI. Yippee!

  3. that picture does just about make me weep - sigh... that melting gooey cheese...

  4. I shed quite a few tears over that In-N-Out burger too Christine D. and FoodHoe, man, I love burgers from In-N-Out!

    I am racked with jealously ChubbyPanda, I think I need to enroll in UCI now!

  5. *sigh*

    Formerly of Los Angeles I know the glory of In-N-Out well.

    I was recently in Las Vegas and made sure I got to In-N-Out twice.

  6. Everytime I fly to the west coast, stopping at In and Out Burger is always a requirement. Looking at your picture right now makes me want to be on a plane very soon.

  7. Ah yes In-N-Out....I can smell it a mile away!

  8. Many moons ago when I was in college in SD we used to drive to OC just to get a burger.. There really is nothing better this is one burger you never get tired of.

  9. I actually LIVE in LA and rarely go to In n Out, so it is such a treat to go!! Love their grilled cheese!

  10. I miss In-N-Out Burger, too. We had just gotten one in my city when we moved. When I went to visit, I got off the plane and went straight there. Mmm. A Double-Double, grilled onions and extra grilled onions. French fries. And a chocolate shake. And yes, I ate what I had leftover, cold, several hours later.

  11. Golly, your photos of the magnificent In-N-Out burgers drive me up the wall of our trailer house.

    I was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, and never had a decent burger in my whole fifty years of life.

    Then when I moved to Florida, the same thing.

    But my new husband, David, is a computer engineer and spends a lot of time in Southern California.

    So now when I need a good burger, he has his company's pilot fly us out to LA.

    I think a trip is in order SOON, thanks to your great post.

    Mrs. Louise Wyers
    Clearwater, Florida

  12. I eat In-N-Out burger year round in Northern California! They are the best.

  13. ohhh am I seeing double double??

    I too cry + sigh....such niceities in SoCal now I realize I didn't well appreciate back whenj!

    But it was so much fun to introduce to my kids last summer - they were quite blown away with the simplicity and savory tastes of In N' Out!

    I love how you wrote 'will bow my head adoringly....' so agree!

    thanks sweets ;-)

  14. i miss socal tooooo :[
    every time i go home i either get a jamba juice or an in-n-out burger on my way home from the airport.

  15. I miss In-and-Out too! It does not have to be summer you know. I miss it all seasons!

  16. What a great Summer ode to In-N-Out. You've definitely hit a taste bud with us on your picture. We're salivating! Thank you. We'll go eat an extra burger just for you, until you an make it back!

    For the cooler days, we love eating lots of the greasy animal style fries: lots of melted cheese, fried onions and their secret sauce!

  17. I had my first In N Out burger in Feb when we went to Disneyland with the kids. Oh wow....amazingly delish. I love their very simple menu. Just plain good burgers and fries!

  18. In-n-Out is the only "fast food" (true fans know it isn't that fast) hamburger I actually LOVE. I attended a convention recently and the dinner was horrid. I left early, returned to my hotel, and what did I spy from my window, with my drapes now open? An In-N-Out across the street, which had escaped my attention. I had two reasons to rush right over.

    First, the picture you have of that wonderful burger -- that's enough reason right there.

    Second, I'd read recently that you can order the fries "well done." I've known about the secret menu (which isn't a secret but play along with me here), but I didn't know until recently that well-done fries was an option. I've never liked a fry that droops, and because they cut the fries just as cook them, the starch and water in the potato makes for a limp fry. Not so if they cook just awhile longer. Browned, crispy goodness.

    It saved an otherwise terrible night in a hotel room with crappy convention food.

  19. My husband has gained a great deal of weight since he’s become housebound (medical condition). Plus he’s been on edge lately waiting for the money transfer from Mr. Ogola from the National American Bank of Nigeria.

    I am trying to wean him off the fatty foods he loves so much and on to low-cal but tasty alternatives.

    We have no In and Out Burger where we live in rural Maryland, but we do, unfortunately have a Red Robin nearby where myhusband often sneaks off to when he says he is going into town to pick up his mail.

  20. i lived in california all my life with an in n out in my city....recently moved to australia, needless to say there is no in n out now i can only have it once a year when i visit home :(

  21. When I moved away, I couldn't get any In-N-Out either Anonymous, but I loved to visit California to get some of their delicious burgers!


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