Thursday, December 11, 2008

Depression Sets In

Sigh, I have been feeling down and out recently.

The economy.

The job market.

And it's only been getting worse. The latest bad news to befall my ears was the recent trade by the Suns of Raja Bell and Boris Diaw for Kevin Richardson. Well, yes, granted, it is a good trade, but it breaks my heart to know that the dynamic, explosive, and adrenaline-filled Suns team of just a few years ago is now completely torn asunder. Note to Steve Kerr: You already had Shawn Marion, but you let him go in pursuit of your short-term desire to go further in the playoffs. You just got rid of two amazing players for a "great scorer" that you already had! Well, not to bag on Richardson, but Marion is actually better than Richardson. . .

I guess this hurts more because I love, love, love Raja Bell. And I mean "love."

Bye-bye Marion, D'Antoni, Bell, and Diaw. And bye-bye to the Suns that were a great team. We will miss you all, and you will be a special part of Suns history and my heart.

Sweets? Specifically, an ice cream-filled crepe cone, with pan-crisped edges and an airy light texture? I need you now. Help me to cope with my loss.

Hornets? Please lift me up, baby.


  1. Don't know much about the Phoenix Suns but after Googling Raja Bell he looks very...adorable. Too bad on the trade.

    Ice cream sounds delicious. I hope it helps.

  2. You have great taste LA Chic, because I think he's GORGEOUS!! And yes, the ice cream did help mitigate my sadness (partially), thank you for asking!

  3. hey!
    had i known you'd visit i would have directed you to a couple of great eateries.good to know that you enjoyed the city.
    thanks for stopping by my blog

    neki desu

  4. Sorry for not telling you earlier--I guess I will have to go to Barcelona again Neki Desu!

  5. I hate trades in sports. You feel like you've been dumped by a boyfriend or something who all of a sudden decides he wants to move on instead of stay with you. :( But that crepe sure looks refreshing and yummy! That's the more important news: Where do you get that?!

  6. That is EXACTLY how I feel Chef Ben, like I was dumped. And to answer your question, I got the crepe and ice cream from Genki Crepes. We should go together sometime (with the Food Hoe, and the Bunrabs)!

  7. We should try and coordinate a time Foodhoe. I will send you an email after the holidays, to check up on your schedule!


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