Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Wanton Lust for Wontons, Part Three

One holiday recipe my family always makes during the Christmas season, is warm, steaming, and soothing wonton soup.

My parents taught me two methods to fold wontons: first, into a beggar's pouch and second, into the shape of a gold ingot, the ancient form of Chinese currency. According to Chinese tradition, such gold ingot shaped wontons are said to bring one's family fortune and prosperity. During the holiday season and the Lunar New Year, our family exclusively folded wontons in the gold ingot shape.

I have already posted about wontons on two other occasions, but I never included a step-by-step pictorial on how to fold wontons. Well, I am posting one now! Check out my recipe for wontons (and step-by-step wonton filling pictures) at my previous post, here.

To fold a wonton, first, place a tsp of filling in the middle of a clean wonton wrapper. Then, wipe a corner of the wrapper with egg wash or water. Fold the wrapper over the filling diagonally, making sure to squeeze out any air, sealing the filling tightly. Then, bring the two opposing triangle corners together, and squeeze them firmly so that they form an almond shape (with no exposed or loose corners). You can also use a little bit of water or egg wash for assistance here. Look at the pictures, to see what I mean.

If you followed the instructions correctly, you have just folded a gold ingot style wonton! Congratulations!


  1. yes agree - wontons, mandu, dumplings.....an Asian tradition for Christmas, birthdays, the holidays + family get togethers; how I remember! I love your recipe too - similar to mine (well the family recipe revised!) with lots of green onions! Lovely tempting photos too.

  2. Thank you so much Taste Memory, and yes, I agree that dumplings are necessary for special occasions!

  3. I think wontons could become my traditional Christmas food easily!
    Love them! Your filling for this looked delicious.

  4. Wontons are a great holiday food, because they require a team effort to fold and assemble. It brings the whole family together Melinda!

  5. Hi PE - Now that's a beautiful looking won ton.....

  6. Thank you Kirk K!

    Wandering Chopsticks, great minds fold alike!

  7. Very pretty wontons.

  8. Beautiful, I don't know how to fold wontons, this is great, now I knwo.

  9. Thank you so much Nate!

    And Rasa Malaysia, I am always learning from YOU!

  10. Wow, I'm so behind on all of these great posts PE. I have been reading this great book called Serve the People which talks a bit about making dumplings, so I'm craving these types of things. You make it sound so easy...

  11. I will have to check that book out Foodhoe, thanks for the suggestion. And it is so easy to make wontons too!

  12. Email me if you have any questions in making wontons Foodhoe!


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