Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Red Currants

Since most of us are trying to follow through with the common New Year’s resolution of losing weight, I might as well post about a gorgeous fruit that I had an opportunity to sample in Switzerland—the red currant.

Though quite similar in taste and texture to a lightly sour raspberry, the glistening, shining surface of the tart orb is more comparable to the skin of a tender blueberry. Red currants are endowed with woody stems on their navels and their semi-translucent bodies are filled with a nucleus of tiny, hardened seeds that may lodge deep within the crevices of your molars. They come in grape-like clusters, dangling like heavy beads suspended on a wisteria branch. The tiny globe-shaped currants easily burst in your mouth and the sweet pulp will stain your eager lips. When red currants are deemed too sour for raw consumption, they are often used in fruit preserves, berry tarts, syrupy glazes, or even in yogurts or to be steeped in teas. I guarantee that one taste will have you requesting more!


  1. They look like champagne grapes. But I have to say, I side more with the black currant for its deeper flavor. Nice to see the fresh version as opposed to jam, though.

  2. They are a bit tart, so I will have to try its black currant cousin soon Chef Ben!

  3. those look gorgeous! my mom used to grow them. they make great jam.

  4. I would love to learn the green thumb secrets of your mom Olga!

    Yes, they look like little pearls or jeweled beads Gaga!

  5. Those look beautiful! I've always wanted to try currants, especially red ones, but I've never been able to find any.

  6. Those are beautiful! I have always wanted to try these, use them for photos and just see them, but never can find out in SF. Great shot!

  7. Such vivid color, I love the transluscence!

  8. they are easy to grow.
    you can add zing to any good vinegar by seeping some in it.

    neki desu

  9. Perhaps you might consider currant jam Mrs. Mordecai--I myself only tried currants for the first time in Europe! They are worth the first taste!

    Thank you Chez Us, I agree that they are stunning. I will keep my eye out at the Ferry Building and tell you if I see anything!

    I wish I could make them into a necklace Foodhoe, I agree that they are beautiful!

    Ooo, I love your vinegar idea Neki Desu, I would love to grow them, but unfortunately, I only live in an apartment. When I live in a house, I will definitely plant a currant tree!

  10. Great to read these enthusiastic comments and to get known the passion for red currants is not just European!

    Please have a look at our website: www.bloedbessen.nl

    And please advice us who to contact to get our beautiful red currants in the USA shops!

  11. found these little buggers in a persian market in irvine, ca. they are quite tart but make for a beautiful decoration on pastries.


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