Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Late-Night Dessert Option

San Francisco is filled with Asian dessert shops, many of which are open late into the evening. A few Mondays ago, before the beau and I were ready to call it a night, the beau impetuously whisked me off to
Creations Dessert House, one of the more popular Asian dessert shops in the City.

The beau and I love black sesame desserts--the nutty and husky sesame flavor is powerful and lingers on one's tongue after each lasting taste. (The provocative and full-bodied flavor of black sesame seeds is almost as potent as coffee.) Therefore, imagine our surprise when we saw black sesame ice cream on the menu!

e decided to share a serving of black sesame ice cream topped chunks of mango, slices of kiwi, cubes of canned lychee, and melon balls. Unfortunately, Creations' black sesame ice cream didn't live up to our lofty sesame seed expectations. The black sesame ice cream didn't taste like ice cream, for it wasn't creamy at all. Rather, the frozen concoction was chalky and gritty from the large sesame particles and ice crystals. Furthermore, though the fruit was fresh and unblemished, the mangoes were a little too sour when compared to the sugary sesame ice.

Nevertheless, I would probably go back to Creations again, to test out their other "creations." If you are thinking about burning the midnight oil and are looking for a place open late (but don't want 24-hr fast food), check out Asian dessert shops, which are located throughout the City!


  1. is that lychee in the picture? there's nothing like fresh fruit for dessert.

  2. Your photos are so inspiring. They truly are beautiful. I love looking at them. Now, Im going to go by myself some fruit!

  3. I've never been there before, but I can't wait to go! Thanks for the tip.

  4. yet another of my favorite places in SF. you make me want to move back...

  5. i remember a gelato place in berkeley off shattuck ave, called gelato mondo. they had black sesame, wasabi, and some other out of the ordinary flavors (Not always available). of the flavors there, i love their tiramisu, their stranger ones (like black sesame) and bailey's.

    and my favorite ice cream place in the city is Mitchell's. i will always take the time out to trek out there if i happen to be in the bay area.

  6. Oh, I've been meaning to try that place! I keep forgetting, thanks for the reminder! But I'll definitely try something other than the black sesame seed ice cream. My dad used to grind black sesame seed and make the thick drink for us. It was so good, he made it better than the stores because it was nice and thick but smooth and just the right sweetness. I miss it! It's so good warm!

  7. I left you an award.. please come pick it up!!:)

  8. we think alike on this one..its 12.15 am here , a guave in hand and typing ur!

  9. that looks delicious! I tried black sesame gelato for the first time at tutti-melon in North Beach recently, and weeks later I'm still dreaming about it. It was awesome! I'm a neophyte to the whole asian dessert shops, but loved what I tried there.

  10. Yes, that is lychee Christina Kim, but it is "canned lychee," so I didn't think it warranted a mention. But I do love fruit for dessert!

    I love dessert too Sophie!

    Yes, I am glad I inspired you Donna-FFW, you definitely inspire me too with those pictures of Mr. Clooney and Mr. Florence!

    You should check out those Asian dessert places Sara, it is a whole new experience!

    Alex, you make me want to move to NYC with those stories about supple veal, consumme, and panna cotta!

    I used to go to Gelato Mondo too when I lived in Berkeley RLo, but I think it may have closed! :( But thankfully, Mitchell's is still open and still delicious. The beau introduced me to Mitchell's!

    So when are we going to meet up and go to Genki Crepes and to this place Chef Ben? Next time you are in the City, give me a call! If your dad opened a dessert shop, I am sure that his business would be bustling!

    Donna-FFW, you are so sweet, thank you!

    Yes, I love the late night treats Navita!

    Wow, I really need to meet up with you and Chef Ben again Foodhoe, I love your discoveries!

  11. I thought it was an excellent blog, that information has been very helpful in my life, I am a desserts lover, so I really enjoyed this reading, this weekend I want to do one! Thanks for this great moment!


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