Monday, April 20, 2009

Whoa, That's Deep. Deep Dish, That Is.

Before I visited to Chicago, I heard that the three best deep dish pizzerias in all of Chicago were (1) Gino's East, (2) Giordano's, and (3) Lou Malnati's. Knowing me, you can rest assured that I set out to test those assertions, and try the places out myself.

First, I stopped by Gino's East for a solo lunch, and eagerly ordered a small personal pan pizza. After a lengthy wait, my fresh pizza arrived steaming hot inside the cardboard box. I immediately noticed several things. The warm and buttery deep dish crust was chockful of yeasty air pockets and the thick pizza filling was evenly layered with (1) supple and explosively juicy chunks of fresh tomatoes, (2) an oozing and melted blanket of mozzarella cheese, (3) chopped pieces of crisp green bell peppers, (4) sliced mushrooms, and (5) moist crumbles of Italian sausage. Every bite was packed with flavor and an even distribution of savory Italian toppings. My substantial deep dish experience at Gino's East was a solid "A-," indeed, and left me wanting more.

Next, I visited Lou Malnati's and again ordered a personal pan pizza. When the pizza arrived a while later, I again was greeted by a beautiful sight of a tomatoey red deep dish pie. Unlike Gino's East, I found the deep dish crust at Lou Malnati's to be lighter and more crackery. The thin crust surrounding deep dish filling was surprisingly crisp with crunchy charred areas packed with a smoky and bready flavor. I ordered the same toppings that I ordered at Gino's East, including onions, green bell peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes, Italian sausage, and mozzarella and Parmesan cheese. Again, I was satisfied with the uniform distribution and consistency of the toppings, and the warm, savory, hearty, and fulfilling nature of the deep dish pizza.

It was a perfect pie, and deserving of a high "A-/B+" grade.

Finally, buoyed by the deep dish successes at Gino's East and Lou Malnati's and falsely thinking that my large stomach had conquered the deep dish pan pizza, I decided to go all out and order a small pizza (and not just a personal pizza). The menu indicated that the small pizza fed one to two individuals, so I was confident that I could consume a whole pie by myself.

However, I was entirely unprepared for the excess that lay ahead before me.

Unlike the smaller personal deep dish pizzas, the tremendous slices of Giordano's pan pizza expanded significantly in my stomach, quadrupling in volume after just a few minutes. The pizza literally crippled my entire body, overwhelming and overloading my senses. Furthermore, the center of the dough was slightly uncooked with a gluey and gooey consistency. While I loved the quality of the bell pepper strips, button mushrooms, and substantial pieces of sausage, the sheer quantity of the deep dish pizza was a little too much for me.

Because of my gluttony, I only would rank Giordano's with a "B," but only for the sheer fact that I simply do not remember much about the pizza because of my overeating and inability to take it like a real woman.

However, overall, my deep dish experience in Chicago was a fantastic one, where I really got to enjoy Chicago hospitality and amazing pizza pies in these famous pizzerias. If you go to Chicago, definitely check out out these places.


  1. Now, I'm crazing deep dish pizza!!! The first one looks enticing!



  2. Is Uno open for breakfast? After viewing these photos I need some deep dish ASAP! (I know, Uno pizza is a sorry excuse for Chicago deep dish, but I don't have much of a choice in NJ suburbia)

  3. LOVE deep dish pizza! When I was in Chicago I ate at Giordanos and thought it was quite good.

  4. I've been to Chicago just once for a business trip, and I never got a chance to have the deep dish pizza!! I never realized just how thick they really are. I wonder if they pre-bake the crust before putting the toppings on, but maybe they don't because you said that one from Giordino's was uncooked in the middle. I'd also be surprised if the crust doesn't get soggy with all those heavy and liquidy ingredients (tomato sauce, veges). Regardless, they look so tasty!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I'm a new yorker so deep dish was such a surprise to me! At Gino's East, I remember the cornbread pizza that still the case? I think I can do 1/2 a slice, maybe! :)

  6. my favorite deep dish that i have tried so far is Zachary's out in the Bay Area. Actually Stan introduced me to it when i was out there doing my internship. How do these compare to Zachary's?

  7. I remember eating Chicago Style pizza at many different places like BJ's and seeing it on TV Shows (Lou Malnati's), but seeing the photos taken by you are just so more appetizing than looking at it on the TV! All the pizzas look fantastic- but I agree, the Giordano's pizza is HUGE! Even for a small size.

  8. What terrific reviews.. and sombine thatwith yourphotos and Ive got the biggest craving ever for the deep dish goodness. Stop by my blog, I shouted to you.;)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Oh look at them beautiful pizzas! Makes me wonder why I've only been down to Chicago once even though it's just an hour's flight. (sorry the last comment got messed up)

  11. Uh, lady. Did you eat three pizzas in one day? Insane!

    Giordano's spinach stuffed. Sometimes a half with sausage and mushroom on the other side. That's it.

  12. I can't even believe how long it's been since I've a deep dish pizza! Gino's was my favorite in Chicago.

  13. MMMMM....Those pizzas look sublime! I would totally dive into those pizzas!

  14. First dogs, then steak then deep dish pizza. Your Chicago trip sounded like it was full of gluttony, but in a good way. ;-) I think you can only get good deep dish in Chicago. I have to book a ticket soon!

  15. I make this dish in my mini spring from pans

  16. holy moly, thatsa lotta pizza! That last one sounded painful, I hope you didn't really try to eat the whole thing - it looked rather intimidating, hulking and menacing...

  17. Oh, I do miss a good pizza.they all looked so good. What? No rattlesnake pizza? Such a pity.

    All the hot dogs except... that rattlesnake one sounded good.
    How did someone come to the idea that rattlesnake meat would make a good hotdog? I guess hotdog eaters don't ask a lot of questions. I reckon, if the good Lord wanted us to eat rattlesnake he'd make it less deadly to catch it. I guess I got to hand it to you. You are an adventurous hotdog eater.

  18. I personally prefer thin crust but this looks AMAZING too!

  19. excellent pictures! we are dying to go back to chicago to do something exactly like this - taste testing diff. deepdish pizzas. we live in brooklyn so we know nyc pizza well. we spent alot of time in italy, so we know italian pizza well. we just returned from 10 days in argentina, so we've been lucky to taste their pizza. now, it's time to compare it all to chicago. you've got my mouth watering.

  20. I like Ginos the best too! :) I don't think i've ever had Lou Malnatis though...I may need to try it too!

  21. I love Sanfratellos. I've had some amazing Chicago Deep Dish but something about Sanfratellos makes my mouth immediately water.

  22. Not that I'm criticizing your three choices, as all are landmark Chicago deep dish eateries, but I feel I need to put in a plea for the original Uno's and Due's for your future consideration. I lived in Chicago for 6 years, and having had your three plus Uno's, I have to say that Uno's is by far my favorite, though the company that purchased the franchise rights for all subsequent locations can only make a pallid imitation of the original. Uno's is generally credited with originating the Chicago deep dish, prior to Gino's East taking the concept and running with it, and I just crave their buttery crust whenever I envision good deep dish pizza.

  23. Yaaay, this kind of post makes me very happy. I have one incredibly fond memory of Gino's East (buttery crust with a bit of yeasty, beer flavor to it) that will forever be a legend in my brain from years past, but I have to admit that Lou Malnati's is pretty good, too. You can order them and have them shipped to you, should you have an intense craving.

    BTW, can't wait to catch up with you guys.

  24. I love your deep-dish pizza and hot dog post! Next time - try Pizzeria Uno or Duo... Deep dishes are no joke but oh so yummy!

    I am from Chicago Food Planet Food Tours and would like to invite you on one of our tours the next time you are in Chicago. We would love to have you on board.

    Are you on Twitter? We are @chifoodplanet

  25. I am an ex-New Yorker so deep dish was always considered sacrilegious. When we moved to Chicago a few years ago we tried Gino's, Uno's, etc. They were okay. Then we discovered Lou Malnati's and we were delighted! Just found your blog today and am looking forward to your return. I friended you so I'll be watching for your new posts eagerly.

  26. Doesn't that look great? I love deep-dish pizza!

  27. Nothing beats Chicago Style Deep Dish Pizza!

  28. If you REALLY want to taste the epitome of Chicago style deep dish pizza, you gotta go to Burt's Place. It's in Morton Grove just outside of the city, and it is ridiculously amazing. It's a small place, so you hafta call your order in ahead of time and they'll tell you when to arrive. Well worth the hassle, though, I promise!

  29. I love Sanfratellos. I've had some amazing Chicago Deep Dish there is definitely something about Sanfratellos that makes it awesome.

  30. The original Unos in Chicago is awesome and nothing like its franchises. Same goes for Giordanos. For some reason the franchises never taste like the real original.
    I grew up in Chicago, and there are two heavenly foods that can not be replicated anywhere else (and I've searched beause I've lived in so many different cities)-- their deep dish pizzas and the hot dogs at Wrigley Field. Orgasmic!

  31. I wonder if they pre-bake the crust before putting the toppings on, but maybe they don't because you said that one from Giordino's was uncooked in the middle.

  32. MMMMM....Those pizzas look sublime! I would totally dive into those pizzas!

  33. I thought Lou Malnati's was just meh. But then I got the chance to eat at Gino's East and what a treat that was - Loved it!! Such great toppings, sauce and crust!

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