Saturday, June 13, 2009

Bad Passionate Eater! Bad!

Readers, I know you're thinking, "Where in Satan's name have you been? I hate you, you lousy food blogger!"

And I'm not going to lie. I totally deserve to hear that. Go ahead, lay it on me.

Yes, I have been out of commission lately. And yes, I didn't give you any advance notice. But I have two valid and justifiable explanations! (And I definitely owe you at least one big explanation.) I started a job with a one-hour commute! And the NBA Finals are still on!

With my slightly taxing commute (hey, it's "taxing" because I live in San Francisco, and not Los Angeles, where a 1-hr commute is the norm), my husband and I have been eating craptacular take-out every night (while we watch the NBA Finals). After that, I collapse on my bed in an exhausted and soggy zombie-like lump, and barely wake up just in time to start my work commute again. Therefore, unfortunately, I don't have a lot of time to do my favorite thing, "food blogging." (But I definitely like my job, so don't worry too much about me.)

Despite my new routine, I would never forget about my first love, "food blogging." I'm going to get back into it, and I'm starting this weekend with the Cochon 555 event and East West Eats event that I'd love to see you at! Also, I'm updating the "food deals" on my sidebar again, and will be posting before you know it. Thanks again for sticking around, and for all your wonderful comments. I'll be back in commission soon (this week). Love you and miss you lots!