Sunday, May 06, 2012

Lookie What I Found: A New Felt Food Set At IKEA!

It comes with a faux plastic tray, pre-sliced fish, two spears of broccoli, lemon wedges, and halved tomatoes!

Okay, I admit, I am way too happy over these toys. But I do like these fabric food sets far more than the hollow play food sets (where each food item is basically just a hard plastic shell).

Sadly, the most unfortunate part about this post and my purchase is, is that my son doesn't even play with the other Duktig play food sets that I previously purchased for him. But, if you have child who loves to play in his or her pretend kitchen and help mommy make a scrumdiddlyuptious meal (or are like me), then the complete Duktig felt food set is made for you!

And yes, in case you are wondering, this new set is already collecting dust and cobwebs in my son's toy bin. (He is like his daddy and loves his toy cars.) Well, at least I am getting some mental satisfaction out of those toys!


  1. Muhahah! I have the fruit and veggie Ikea sets after you wrote about them the last time, but Chase is still too young to play with them! I, on the other hand, love them! {I even got the big carrot and broccoli dolls too!!!}

    1. Wow, you definitely are more "hard core" than I am if you got the carrot and broccoli dolls! ;)

    2. I used the carrot to help feed Chase in the early months! {Like you, they're really more for me than for him!} ;)

  2. That looks cute: great to play with for your baby! :)

    1. I really get more enjoyment out of them than my baby, but to me, it is worth every penny!

  3. Love the fish! My boys would have loved those sets. Sadly, I did not make it to Ikea enough. Miss you guys. xxx --Chris

    1. You need to update me on the toy stores that you find on the islands! Miss you too, Chris!

  4. Wow, that looks good....I might try to take a bite out of them if I had those! ;O) Nice to have new posts PE, I hope all is well.

    1. I think the Boyz would take bites out of those before you do! Thank you, Kirk. I miss you and Mmm-Yoso!!


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