Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Meals Without Kids

In keeping up with the momentum of posting arbitrary images of my meals without my kids, here are a few leftover Las Vegas pictures and a couple from a holiday party at work. As for the Vegas snaps, the beau and I indulged in an all-you-can-eat sushi dinner capped off with two orders of salmon and tuna tartare and a caterpillar roll. The sushi was only "meh," so I won't post the name of the restaurant. The next day, I nabbed a breakfast sandwich with scrambled egg and bacon en route to McCarran International Airport (nothing to write home about, really, but again, I took a picture of it, so here it is)!

Also, interspersed in these random images are snaps of my work holiday lunch celebration at One Market and my entree of pan-seared flounder with black-eyed peas, grain mustard vinaigrette, and small herb salad, as well as the dessert, a duo of crème brûlée (vanilla and cappuccino) and solid biscotti cookies.

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