Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Meals Without Kids

In keeping up with the momentum of posting arbitrary images of my meals without my kids, here are a few leftover Las Vegas pictures and a couple from a holiday party at work. As for the Vegas snaps, the beau and I indulged in an all-you-can-eat sushi dinner capped off with two orders of salmon and tuna tartare and a caterpillar roll. The sushi was only "meh," so I won't post the name of the restaurant. The next day, I nabbed a breakfast sandwich with scrambled egg and bacon en route to McCarran International Airport (nothing to write home about, really, but again, I took a picture of it, so here it is)!

Also, interspersed in these random images are snaps of my work holiday lunch celebration at One Market and my entree of pan-seared flounder with black-eyed peas, grain mustard vinaigrette, and small herb salad, as well as the dessert, a duo of crème brûlée (vanilla and cappuccino) and solid biscotti cookies.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Gordon Ramsay's Burgr in Las Vegas

Has it really been three years since my last post on here? In fact, it has been longer, but who's counting? Or who's even reading? (Shout out to my mom, my sole reader! Thanks, Ma!) And no, that is not a typo. (The "typo" I am referring to is not the misspelling of "burger," but my three-year absence from this dead blog.)

Sadly, I don't eat out as often as I would like now that my husband and I are outnumbered by our kids. In fact, this was one of the first times the beau and I sat down for a relatively nice meal sans our children, and lemme tell you, it was pretty darn glorious! (I felt obligated to post these snaps on here, since I posted them on Facebook.) Hey, a post of food pictures on my social network is worthy of a post on this thing.

At my special outing yesterday to Gordon Ramsay's Burger, I opted for the Euro burger with truffle aioli, goat cheese, arugula, and an oven-roasted tomato. The pillowy and crisply-toasted bun was a match in heaven with the peppery wisps of arugula and gamey cheese, but the truffle parmesan fries with truffle aioli were a greasy and over-fried disappointment. Love the ethereal melt-in-your-mouth flakes of parmesan, but I could hardly taste the truffle and, unfortunately, I have had fries done better at fast food establishments. But an outing is an outing, and worthy of a quick note on the good ole' food blog.

Have you tried out this wrinkly and irate chef's dining establishments? I'd love to hear if you did!