Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Wanton Lust for Wontons, Part Two

Last year, after posting "Wanton Lust for Wontons," I promised Zileel and Annie L. that I would follow up my post with a recipe. Then a month passed. Then another. Then another. About four to five months later, I realized that if friends mean anything to me, I should post, and I should do so quickly.

Without further delay, here is the recipe that I promised last December!

The Best Wontons on This Side of the Mississippi
1 lb of ground pork, preferably with high fat content
1/2 lb of shrimp, peeled, deveined, and roughly chopped
1/2 lb of napa cabbage or Chinese chives, washed, dried thoroughly, and finely chopped
3 sprigs of green onions, roughly chopped (both white and green parts)
1 tbsp of ginger, finely chopped
1 can (tuna fish-sized) of water chestnuts, drained and finely chopped
1 egg, beaten with a pair of chopsticks
3 tbsp of soy sauce
2 tbsp of sesame oil
1 1/2 tbsp of cornstarch
2 tsp of white sugar
1 tsp of white pepper
1 tsp of rice wine
2 pkgs of wonton wrappers

Mix all of the ingredients for the filling together.

Take a dry wonton wrapper, and wipe water on the edges.

Put a dollop of meat, in the middle of the wrapper, and fold the wrapper diagonally. Then take the two long corners and fold them inward. Repeat until all of the wrappers are used.

Bring a pot of water to a rolling boil. Add the wontons and cook until the wrappers become mildly translucent and the wontons float to the surface.

Serve with soy sauce, garlic, and rice wine vinegar. Bon wonton appetit!


  1. sounds tasrt, and looks great!

  2. Actually meant tasty......darn keyboards...yeah, blame it on the keyboard. ;O)

  3. Oh those look amazing. I don't know that I could fold them so neatly though. Does that take years of practice?

  4. Having tried a previous recipe of yours, I *know* these are going to be tasrt! :D

  5. They look delicious and porky! The picture of the uncooked wontons remind me of bottoms, especially the second one from the left. :)

  6. Thank you so much Kirk, I think exactly the same of your wontons! I'm still working up my "wonton folding muscles" so that I can get speedy like the Missus!

    It is actually pretty easy Rachel! I didn't provide detailed instructions, but all you have to do is fold it into a triangle, and take the opposing corners and fold them together. (Fold the hypotenuse in half.) If you visit Kirk's Wonton Recipe, he provides a link on how to do it step-by-step.

    Thank you for your kind words Cookie Crumb, you are so sweet! I changed the recipe a little just now. I usually "eyeball-it" (in the words of Rachael Ray). Plus, my Mom's family adds chives and napa cabbage, whereas my Dad's does not, so I get a little confused. I hope this recipe is up to "I Am Mad and I Eat" par!

    O ho ho! *Blush* (Turns head away shyly.) I'm embarrassed now The Food Pornographer, they actually do look like lil' wonton butts sticking themselves out towards us!

  7. Fabulous looking wantons! I suddenly have a craving for wanton noodles.

  8. Thank you for your kind compliment Mm! If I've made you crave wontons, then I've done my job!

  9. Okay...I'm going to print this and make it myself...loooks scrumptioouuuss! Thanks PE!

  10. i'm glad you specified high fat content..LOL

    i like your style PE!!

  11. Hi dude, those look great. funny that you just posted a wrapped-food... i just made some chicken/leek/ginger dumplings. *think i added too much ginger*

  12. Thank you Diet Chili Cheese Fries, the feelings are mutual here! By the way, I love your name!

    Hey there Eat, Drink, and Be Merry! Hope to see your post on the chicken/leek/ginger dumplings soon. And don't worry about the "too much ginger." There can never be too much ginger. Although it might be a pungent root, it has great nutritious qualities, so just tell the people you served the dumplings to that you did it for the "healthy" factor.

  13. Oooh, those look so good, perhaps I've found a perfect use for my leftover wonton wrappers? I think I like the picture of them uncooked, lined up adorably, the most.

  14. Thanks for your kind compliment Ms. Canada! Wonton wrappers could be used for many other dishes, and I look forward to your posts where you use the rest of 'em!

  15. I love the look of it folded!

  16. I agree Anonymous! It is very cute. I find that lots of people are interested in how to fold wontons, so I may post later with step-by-step instructions on how to fold them.


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