Saturday, August 26, 2006

Chinese Chicken Soup for the Soul

When I am longing for home, nothing conjures up soothing images from home like a warm, hearty bowl of chicken noodle soup.

When I hear "chicken noodle soup," I often think of a simple golden broth filled with floating coils of cork-screw egg noodles, bite-sized dices of softened celery and carrots, and diminutive morsels of supple chicken breast.

However, when I think of "Mom's chicken noodle soup," I think of heavy metal pots simmering with a fragrant and seasoned broth for several hours.

I think of large portions of tender chicken meat imbued with the essence of ginger root and sweetened with the licorice-like flavors of star anise. I think of the dark colors of soy sauce, penetrating the skin of the chicken meat.

I think of thick and slippery Chinese wheat noodles--cooked past the al dente stage--and wilted watercress suspended in a lustrous coffee-colored broth.

Ahh, chicken noodle soup. It satisfies my soul, but most importantly, it satisfies my stomach. I "think" I am going to have some now!


  1. Chicken soup from all over the culinary world is good for whatever ails you!

  2. hey p.e., thats true... i think al dente noodles in chicken soup is considered sacreligious in most countries...

  3. Whoa - That's alot of star anise!!!! Looks yummy. I coulda use some of that to help me get through this darned virus.....

  4. now this is totally a chicken soup i would enjoy!! looks gorgeous.

  5. I agree Rachel, I think there are nutritious qualities in chicken that somehow helps fill us with energy to get our immune system back and running!

    Yes, I agree! It needs to be "not-yet-mushy" but not with too much al dente bite Rick James!

    I hope you feel better soon Kirk! We all miss you! Make sure that the Boyz and the Missus take good care of you, and make you good Chinese food to get you through this ugly virus.

    Thank you Pink Nest! It is called lu gee tong in Chinese, if you are ever interested in ordering it in New York's Chinatown.

  6. Yummy! That's some soup! I'm comforted just by your words and photos. Imagine how lulled into a happy slumber I'd be if I could taste your creation! Thanks for sharing, as always.

  7. I had left a comment yesterday, but it didn't post for some reason. I just wanted to say that Mom's chicken soup is the best thing ever (and not just for the sick-in-bed days). I love that you used the word "imbued" because every time I read your post, I can add more points to my food vocab. Those pictures look so good, PE! I want to lick my computer screen, haha.

    Oh, and thanks for letting me know about the newsletter! I feel so affirmed!

  8. Elmo Monster, I couldn't help but to notice that you posted at 9:48am, which means that it is too early to be lulled into a happy slumber! No soup for you! At that time of the day, that is. Just kidding, there is always soup for you!

    Haha! You are too cute Jinerous! I learned the words "redolent" and "edacity" from you, and those are very nice food vocab words! Also, I saved a copy of the newsletter for you. It is at my house. If you'd like, I can scan in your article and send it through email to you.

  9. What a gorgeous post! I love your description--so luscious.

    Sorry you missed the picnic--I would have liked to say hi.

  10. Thank you Tea! I too am sorry I didn't go to the picnic--it would have been an honor to meet you!

  11. Oh gods, my grandmother makes chicken soup that way too. I'm totally drooling now.

  12. Hee hee Chubby Panda, it is a family recipe, but I left out the boiled eggs!


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