Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Eating In Take-Out

Sometimes, when eating straight take-out food is too much, I like to combine take-out with one homemade item. Today? Church's Fried Chicken and homemade KFC-style coleslaw. Yeah, I know, I kinda defeated the purpose of the homemade item by making it "KFC-style" and by using someone else's recipe. But I hope you'll enjoy this! Although it is not my own recipe, I've used it since college, so I can attest that it works and tastes refreshingly smooth, crunchy, and tangy!

Imitation Fast Food Coleslaw
Recipe adapted from Top Secret Recipes

1 large head green cabbage (alternatively, you can use 1/2 small head of red cabbage with 1 medium head of green cabbage for more "color")
1 large carrot
1/2 white onion
1/2 cup mayonnaise

1/4 cup nonfat milk
1/4 cup buttermilk
1/4 cup granulated sugar

2 1/2 tbsp lemon juice
1 1/2 tbsp white vinegar
1 tsp celery salt (you can also add 1/2 tsp of salt and 1/2 tsp of celery seed instead)

freshly ground pepper

Finely shred the cabbage and carrots and mince the onion. (Depending on my mood, I sometimes actually like the cabbage cut into more sizeable shreds. It takes longer for the mayonnaise mixture to penetrate into the cabbage when the shreds are more significant though. Your choice.) Combine the non-vegetable ingredients and whisk until smooth. Mix all ingredients until the cabbage and carrots are thoroughly coated. Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hrs before serving.

Tip: This recipe calls for buttermilk. If you bought the buttermilk solely for the purpose of making this recipe and know that the rest of the carton will go unused and eventually to waste, try using it instead of plain milk when making Bisquick (or any other instant mix) pancakes. The acidic nature of the buttermilk makes the pancakes fluffier and more moist.


  1. It's too early in the morning to even eat breakfast,but somehow your post makes me want to sink my teeth into some fried chicken (and perhaps a little home sick for soul food as well). As always, I like the recipes. Not only are we mentally satisfied (or perhaps made more famished) by reading your blog, we have been equipped to become better cooks. Thanks PE!

  2. Oh...I do love that greasy take out chicken. I limit myself to indugling only about once a year or so though. I'm sure I can smell it right thru the screen!

  3. omg-last night i made fried chicken, green beans and cornbread-it was all devoured by the entire family-all that was missing was peach cobbler. homemade fried chicken is so much better than drive-through!!!!

  4. That coleslaw looks ten-times more appetizing that KFC's, although I must admit, I do like theirs a lot. But Church's, man, I haven't seen one of those around these parts in a decade!

  5. Good gods, I love KFC's coleslaw. But, I haven't been able to eat any fast food since I read Fast Food Nation. Worried about what might be in it. This recipe is going to come in handy. Thanks so much for providing it!

    - Chubbypanda

  6. Dearest Jinerous, I'll miss you this upcoming week! Sorry I "shooed" you away while I was cutting up those tomatoes yesterday. We'll make food together, and we'll learn how to chop like the pros!

    Excellent practice Rachel! Unfortunately, I don't limit myself with fried chicken at all!

    I agree Elle, homemade fried chicken is much better than the fast food version. I wish I had enough to make fried chicken though, when I come home from work.

    I remember they used to have them in Arizona, and I never saw any in Southern California Elmo Monster. However, they have a whole bunch up here in Northern California. I like the crispy skin of Church's better than the more-flavorful but soggier skin from KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken).

    I am so glad that I've never read Fast Food Nation Chubby Panda! I've watched Super Size Me, and that didn't affect my active patronage of McDonald's at all!

  7. wow p.e.,

    you're the only one with enough patience to pull this one off... amazing...

    you've inspired me to buy a Pinks chili dog and make my own Tommy's style Chilicheese fries to match... nah.. too lazy, i'll just go buy em.. ;p

  8. You are hilarious Rick James, I always love reading and laughing over your comments! ... Actually, I meant to also hand-make those nifty styrofoam KFC containers with the snap-on plastic lid (hand-inked with colored pens and made with an organic, biodegradable quasi-plastic substance), but I got lazy too!

  9. Church's fried chikkin is the best. Sides from Popeye's. Slaw from KFC.

    P.S. Drive a little farther north and you will see a combination KFC / Long John Silver's. LJS is deep fried joy. I have no shame.

  10. I have an ugly confession to make Jeff L... I've never eaten at Popeye's, and I live within one block of one! (I live near the one on San Pablo.)

  11. mmm fried chicken! that slaw looks like a perfect subject for my mandolin and would be so refreshing on these hot summer days!!


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