Saturday, November 24, 2007

In Pictures: Flying Over San Francisco

Before I left San Francisco, a friend of mine (who is also a licensed pilot) promised to show me the beauty of San Francisco in a way I had never seen before.

By air.

And it was breathtaking.

Since I've been posting the remainder of my San Francisco photos, I thought it would be nice to share some photos of my "day of flight."

Oh yes, and as for food, my friend and I stopped by for a simple lunch of turkey sandwiches on rye in Columbia, California.

We ended our trip in Oakland, California, at the best-barbecue-joint in the East Bay,
Everett and Jones, where we filled our empty stomachs with a variety of barbecued meats including (1) hot sausage links, (2) toothsome and tender brisket, and (3) sticky barbecued ribs. Unfortunately, my camera ran out of space after taking a picture of our sides, which included warm potato salad, sweet and sticky yams, and slow-cooked collard greens.

Flying over San Francisco was an experience-of-a-lifetime. I hope this post gave you a glimpse into the beauty of the Bay Area.


  1. Whoa, what a treat! The ride and the food. Why don't I have friends who are pilots?

  2. I second what Elmo said! That photo of all the piers is just awesome!

  3. simply beautiful. I visited SF, for the first time, last month and loved it. I wished I had known about your fav. bbq place, maybe next time because I am def. going back.

  4. Wow PE, what awesome pix of your fly over, that is quite a treat!

  5. oh wow how exciting!

    what a great city to fly over!

    sammiches look delish too :)

  6. Hey!

    Thanks for the virtual ride and food.

    I can't believe I stayed away so long from your gastronomic delights (;-)


  7. What a wonderful friend! I like the idea of flying into somewhere for lunch...tres chic and dolce vita!

  8. I miss all of you and appreciate all of your comments Elmo Monster, Wandering Chopsticks, Liberal Foodie, Food Hoe, Aria, Belizegial, and Melinda! I am going to start being a little better about posting and leaving comments again. I've been out of serious commission for some time now after moving to New Orleans.

  9. Those photos are breathtaking! Wow. What an awesome experience.

  10. I don't think I could fly and then eat all those sandwiches!!!

  11. um, hello?! helicopter ride and delicious food aftewards!?!?


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