Monday, December 03, 2007

The Closest I'll Get to Thomas Keller


  1. That fancy pants Pinknest has been to the real thing!

  2. That's funny PE! Thanks for the laugh!

  3. LOL! That is wonderful......wonder what their tasting menu is like?

  4. hey! nice to meet an SFO foodie, though u r way far in new orleans!! plus, I stayed in LA for almost 2 years, so we share a bond there too:)

  5. Haha, when I saw just the post title in my feed reader, I thought "It's not a French laundromat, is it?" Then when I saw your picture I couldn't stop laughing. :)

  6. hahahha, that's funny.

    Thanks for making me feel better..about my tiny kitchen. :)

  7. hahahah , love it!

  8. Oh my gosh!!! You are too funny and too cute!

    I'm going to drop some hints to my b/f about going to Thomas Keller's next year when we go up to Napa for a wedding...

    Let's see how well I do. ;)

    Miss ya!


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