Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Becoming a Real New Orleans Food Blog

Well, I am not there yet... Especially if I keep "shizzie-postings" crap this up.

You all know that I love the City and the people of New Orleans and I love eating here. And I have posted about the restaurants and unique cuisine of New Orleans quite a bit already. But I still have a ways to go. I honestly have some crazy-delicious work-in-progress posts coming up about famous New Orleans dining institutions (including Commander's Palace, NOLA Restaurant, Jacques-Imo's Cafe, and Domilise's). I also have a few classic New Orleans recipes in the posting pipeline. However, to keep you waiting with bated breath, I am going to delay a bit and continue to put up some more images from Zea--the chain restaurant I discussed earlier.

In my own defense, I haven't sufficiently perfected the posts on those above restaurants, and since I already expounded at length about
Zea, I can cop-out and just post these images and say, "See? Enjoy! Bye-bye." No need to write a full-length post!

Here is a picture of
Zea's chewy slices of rotisserie beef (emphasis on "chewy") with green peppercorn gravy.

Above is their "Philly" beef panini sandwich, which consists of oily chopped beef and onions, which are sandwiched between in two grilled rounds of flatbread. The flatbread is slathered in a thick mayonnaise and oozing with melted jack cheese.

Enjoy, and bye-bye!

... Okay, this post sucked, but there is a big work deadline that I am procrastinating from, so this is all you get for now--what I ate for dinner as take-out, two nights in a row. Sorry.


  1. Hi PE! You are not a real New Orleans food blog until you feature Zatarains! I represent Old Bay and can send you and your readers a fun Mardi Gras package. Let me know! I look forward to reading your blog. Thanks!

  2. I agree with you there April R.. Thank you so much for your generosity! I promise to feature Zatarain's (which I have written about) at length! I'll post your email too, if you don't mind!

  3. Hey PE - I need some advice.....on how to remove saliva stains from my monitor! ;o)

  4. I have the same problem with your blog KirkK, too much drool!

  5. Even though you didn't do a full post, the pictures of good food made up for it. LR Bergeron


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