Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Spice Up Your Life (With a Free Mardi Gras Spice Package)

Being married to a Maryland man, I've learned one thing: After God, a Maryland man loves (1) the Redskins and (2) Old Bay Seasoning on his blue crab, though not necessarily in that order.

Based on my interactions with Louisiana men and women, I've learned another: After God, Louisiana folks love (1) the Saints and (2) their Zatarain's, equally. And they love Zatarain's on everything.

Between these spices, you will see a great schism in the United States which is based on the dueling, fervent, and almost-religious loyalties to Old Bay or Zatarain's. (But to tell you a secret, I think that my Old Bay-lovin' beau has become a Zatarain's convert after enjoying my brother's famous crab and crawfish boils down here in Louisiana. He is in denial though.)

Yes, I know that both spices are made by the mega-lo-normous spice corporation, McCormick, but they really do have distinct flavors. I would say that Old Bay is saltier and leaves more of a nasal-y celery aroma in your mouth and nose, and Zatarain's has a stronger emphasis on the spicy "oomph" that leaves your tongue and mouth blissfully tingling in a fiery pain.

You should judge for yourself, do you get overexcited for Old Bay or are you zealous for Zatarain's? If you would like a sample, [UPDATE: LINK DISABLED & TEXT REMOVED]email April, a McCormick representative, with your address at and she will send you a free Mardi Gras spice package! Also, don't forget to mention this post on Passionate Eater, and tell your friends! Hurry, before this offer expires! [SORRY, THE OFFER HAS NOW EXPIRED.]


  1. Wow! That looks great, and I have gotten great response already! Let me know if you or your readers need anything from McCormick in the future. I am happy to help and inspire in the kitchen.

  2. I'm a big proponent of any spice that incorporates MSG - - these are lacking ;)

  3. Hi,

    We had great feedback. Sadly, we are not giving away anymore product. Could you please remove my email? Thanks so much! I look forward to reading your blog.

  4. Ha! That was quick. Only one day and they ran out of product? You'd figure they'd be eager to have more people try it out. I actually really like celery salt so Old Bay works for me. :)


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