Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Central Business District Lunchtime Staple

I am sure that you've noticed that I've been eating a lot of takeout lately--at my desk.

But that doesn't mean that I've been eating poorly. In fact, allow me to now segue to a quick shout-out to one of my favorite neighborhood lunchtime eateries in the Central Business District in New Orleans: Welty's Deli.

Welty's is right next to the courthouse, Welty's will almost assuredly be chockful of Louisiana bar members in starched and pressed button-up shirts, at any given time. (Insert inappropriate lawyer joke here.) Irregardless of Welty's sometimes offputting clientele, don't be intimidated or frightened from entering. The food should speak for itself. Holla!

serves bountiful salads and overflowing sandwiches. Their lavish portion sizes that will leave your mouth agape by their Southern largess. They also offer a mean sweet tea and allow you to "customize" your sandwich with standard items from their sandwich toppings bar--you may load your 'wich with all the crisp iceberg lettuce, tomatoes, and pickles that you so desire. Be sure to check out Welty's website for their gourmet daily specials, such as the picture featured in this post: their flour tortilla enchiladas, served with black beans and Spanish rice.

Okay, back to work for me! I apologize for the weak substance of these posts. However, to forewarn you: expect many more takeout pictures in the coming weeks! (It's crunch time.)


  1. Geez, that looks good. There is literally no where to get good take out anything out here, healthy or no.

  2. what's weak about that big cheezy enchilada? whew! short and sweet is just fine with me, I love reading about all the fine foods in New Orleans (guilt free too)


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