Thursday, October 30, 2008

Greetings, from Switzerland!

I just wanted to send everyone a quick update about my whereabouts. The beau and I have been having a wonderful time in Switzerland, eating what the Swiss eat. (Check out this McDonald's advertisement from the streets of Zurich for an idea of a classic difference between American and Swiss food--the cheese!)

In Switzerland, for a typical breakfast, we will have a buttery croissant with butter and preserves and hot chocolate; for lunch, we will have a crusty round of bread with hot wurst and mustard; and for dinner, we will dunk cubes of chewy white bread into a gooey fondue pot of melted gruyere and emmenthaler cheese.

I have so much more to write about the Swiss food I have been having here, but it may have to wait until I return to the States. I can't wait to catch up with all of you, and hope you are all doing well!


  1. Ooooooo...all that cheese! Sounds like my kind of place :)

  2. I agree with Rachel. I'm a sucker for cheese.

    Thanks for checking in!

  3. Wait... you added butter to the *already* buttery croissant? Nuts :)

  4. those mcburgers have much more interesting condiments over there... I bet it is beautiful and can't wait to read about your travels

  5. Switzerland must be a great crossroads between many different varieties of food--German, French, etc. I would love to hear more. And, I'll never diss cheese, either.

  6. Can't wait to see more! No rush though. Enjoy your time away.

  7. Sounds like you're having a fun time exploring the food there! Can't wait to hear what more there is to eat besides cheese! I love cheese, but really my cholesterol won't let me eat too much of it. So I guess that leaves the bratwurst? :P

  8. it's been awhile since i've left a comment. i miss you dearly. glad to hear that you've been having a great time. post more!

  9. I am glad you are eating well!

  10. Ba da ba ba baaa! I'm lovin' it!

    Sounds like you and hubby are having a grand ol' time in Switzerland. I wish that my typical breakfast was like yours!

  11. Hope you're enjoying your honeymoon!!

  12. oh my gosh, how funny. mcdonald's is so wonderfully consistent that you never think of it ever changing anywhere.

  13. mmm. how awesome would that be to have those cheeses on our mcburgers! thanks for sharing. def not as exciting as taipei's local variation which is corn soup or burger on rice patties.

  14. Glad you are having a honeymoon filled with great food (among other things!) Have a wonderful time and I look forward to your posts when you return.

  15. Congrats to you guys! Wow, honeymooning in romantic is that???!! I'm so happy for you both. Can't wait to see, read and eat more of your delicious posts!

  16. Hello my lovely friends Rachel, Agent713, ShortExact, FoodHoe, PilgrimChick, LA Chic, Chef Ben, Jinerous, Melinda, Christine D, Taste Tester, Anne, Joan H, Deborah Dowd, and White on Rice Couple, I am so glad to hear from you and appreciate that you checked in on me! I am back and ready to blog!!

  17. Must.. go.. to.. Switzerland.. *add here some Homer Simpson like sounds*

    Love the cheese, we actually had McEmmentaler here in Finland some time ago when our McDonald's had some special burgers introduced to us. Shrimp burger from Japan and things like that.

    Our own special is Ruic McFeast which is McFeast with rye bread.

  18. Ok I know where I am going for my honeymoon...! :):)

    This is Raj by the way... from the youtube party :)


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