Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Honeymooning, Do Not Disturb (Just Kidding, Feel Free!)

Several big things will be happening here on Passionate Eater.

First, both my blog and I will be making the transition from New Orleans back to San Francisco. I am sure you are disappointed (as I was and am), but now that I am married, things are inevitably changing. I tried to convince the beau to move to New Orleans, but he has a stable job and other regional commitments, so I will be moving back to the Bay Area instead. However, we will continue to visit our New Orleans family and friends on a regular basis. The hurricane season disrupted my ability to try as many restaurants as I wanted to, so I need to go back to New Orleans often and eat like no tomorrow! (And take a look at the sunlight on these gorgeous New Orleans houses on the picture above!)

Second, I am leaving for my honeymoon in Europe in one day! During my honeymoon, I might drop by for a post and comment every now and then. Definitely expect to see a honeymoon recap here on the blog!

Before I take my honeymoon, I just want to share with you the story of how my Bay Area beau proposed:

Back in 2006, I was offered a position in New Orleans. The job in New Orleans was a once in a lifetime opportunity, for many reasons. I remember weighing the pros and cons with the beau, and one of those pros was living and interacting with "kind Southern gentlemen and ladies." The beau saw that "pro" as listed on the paper, and had a look of extreme dissatisfaction on his face. I think he just saw the "Southern gentlemen" part. However, he ultimately let me go.

About one month after I moved away, the beau surprised me with a round-trip plane ticket from New Orleans to Washington D.C. He greeted me at the airport with a limousine (huge surprise) with a dozen roses (1 red, 11 white, to say I was "one in a million") and had me chauffeured off to the Jefferson Memorial. Then, he bent down on one knee, and proposed on the steps of the Jefferson Memorial. In front of people! In public! I guess you know what I said, since we got married a few months later.

Sigh, memories get me all teary-eyed. I will be making more memories this upcoming month. See you soon!


  1. Aww, sweet story. Of course he couldn't let you go! Have a great honeymoon!

  2. That's so sweet indeed! And San Francisco food scene will be glad to have you back I'm sure.

    Have fun on your honeymoon!

  3. sigh... how romantic... you're both so fearless in your own ways! what a great story. have a fantastic time in europe, can't wait to read about it!

  4. what a sweet story! have a great time on your honeymoon. and welcome back to california!

  5. Aw! What a fantastic story! I can't wait to hear the recap of your honeymoon too. Safe travels!

  6. okay....yes you must be totally teary eyed and upset to return to THE CITY and albeit oh my gosh California of all places! am totally jealous! REALLY am soooo happy for you and life's transitions esp. marriage is so full of surprises. what a romantic proposal! hav a blast on your honeymoon and look forward to hearing more from the home girl ;-)

  7. Enjoy your honeymoon! Can't wait to read about your adventures. And I can't wait to get together once you're back in the Bay Area! (It's not New Orleans but I'm sure you'll get back into the food groove here. ;-)

  8. Hi PE - That's so very sweet! Have a great honeymoon!

  9. Congrats! And it will be great to have you back in SF.

  10. I look forward to reading about your visits to SF restaurants since I am much more likely to travel up there than to Louisiana! :P I will miss your New Orleans posts though; I absolutely loved reading about the food culture there. Have a wonderful honeymoon, I can't imagine how many incredible pastries and desserts will greet you in Europe!

  11. Awww!!! So romantic!! You're a lucky gal to have such a wonderful guy...and to have lived in two incredible cities. Have a nice honeymoon!

  12. I am looking forward to meeting you in November. We just need to figure out where! I've sent an email but I think I said the 23rd but I mean the 22nd. I goofed.
    I love the extremely romantic proposal from your husband. It is good to have such a lovely story to tell to your future children.
    See you soon.

  13. What a wonderful and romantic proposal- sounds like a great catch! Have a honeymoon full of great memories!

  14. how romantic! happy honeymooning!

  15. Thank you all! We are having a great time, and I can't wait to catch up with all your blogs soon! Miss you all!

  16. awww! now that's a proposal!


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