Tuesday, October 14, 2008

No Waffling Around

I am going to proclaim it from the mountaintops and vigorously pump my fists in satisfaction. I need to share the news, "I love homemade waffles!"

Don't be intimidated by waffle-making, there really isn't much complexity involved. See how ugly my waffles are? And yet they tasted delicious and exuded an air of magnificence. Best of all, anyone can make amazing waffles with a waffle iron, pancake mix, cooking oil, milk, and cooking spray, and the reward is a million-fold. I love the crispy surface, and moist, pocketed, and buttery interior of every waffle. And I absolutely adore the versatility of "the waffle."

Although I enjoyed these waffles simply (with each and every square cavity brimming with maple syrup) you can make waffles as elegant as you'd like. Thus, you could add chopped nuts, blueberries, mashed bananas, oats, or even wild rice into the batter, and top a finished waffle with mascerated berries, dessicated coconut flakes, whipped cream, crème fraîche, or a piece of freshly fried chicken. You could even drizzle balsamic vinegar over a waffle topped with a rotund scoop of vanilla ice cream!

Ah, I think I am in love.


  1. I think I know what I want for Christmas now. A waffle maker! I want to make waffles like you make.

  2. I was just commenting yesterday on how much joy a waffle maker would bring to our weekend mornings. After reading your scrumptious post, I'm one step closer to getting one!

  3. I love homemade waffles too, although the nearest I've come to real homemade ones are the ones that you can make in Microtel Hotels in the South...!

  4. oh yeah I'm with elmomonster... must get waffle maker. are you sure I can do it? I make the world's flattest leathery pancakes... (except when I used batter blaster!) Is that from W-S?

  5. There is nothing as good as a fresh homemade waffle! I don't make them as often as I would like since apparently I am the only one in my house with this gene!

  6. We eat waffles at least twice a month around here. My kids love them and they are especially good the next day fresh from the toaster with butter and strawberry jam!

  7. I say "carpe waffle". To those who have posted about getting a waffle maker sometime in the future, "tempus fugit" and that day might never come. Today, right now, is the time for waffles!!

    I found this web page while googling for "waffle waffling". Can anyone here explain why "waffling" in the political context is today thought of as a bad thing? In the culinary context it is a great thing!


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