Friday, October 10, 2008

Open Faced Question

Hi readers, all one of you (Mom, I am referring to you), I have a question to ask you. I have changed the format of my blog to feature larger images and have now placed a watermark on the images to protect against bad folks from reposting my images without linking to my site. However, I have noticed that the images sometimes take a while to load. Do you prefer large or small images? What do you think about the watermark? Thanks for chiming in and letting me know your thoughts. The poll below will end on October 20, 2008. (Oh, and I was going to use a picture of an open faced sandwich for this post, but I didn't find one, so here is blank white emptiness instead. Sorry.)


  1. I'm kinda new here, so I don't really know the difference. Well, that *plus* I'm the most unobservant person in the world.

    That said, your photos are my favorite of any of the (many) food bloggers I read. Just keep bringing the good stuff.

    And I managed to NOT cuss, since your mom reads. I've made that embarrassing gaffe too many times.

  2. Hey PE - I love all your the bigger the better! Watermark??? Oh, I barely noticed....

  3. Me too, I didn't notice the watermark!

  4. I am new to your blog, found you on tastespotting.
    Your large pictures are great, crisp and high quality and the watermark is a nice touch.
    Keep up the great work!
    Stacey Snacks
    PS I didn't love Blue Duck Tavern in DC as much as you did, but your meal looks much better than what we ordered (the "angry" trout).

  5. hey PE I am trying to keep up with your posts! mega postings, I've gotta catch up too! bigger photos r spectacular + watermark is a must. can't stand stealers, no manners/common sense - geez! anyhow, i am trying to make big photos too, someone sent me the html advice, but it's not working. suggestions?

    My email addy is on the right hand side of my blog. I know you're busy, so if you hav moment would totally appreciate! if not, no worries ;-)

  6. Thanks for all of your input Syd, that is most helpful.

    Aww, KirkK, and ElmoMonster, you two always know what to say!

    Thanks for visiting and commenting Stacey Snacks! I really appreciate your kind words. And I think I went to Blue Duck Tavern on a good day!

    I will send you an email Taste Memory!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment! I read and enjoy every comment, and will try to reply if time permits. If you have a blog, please leave a link. I love to discover new and delicious sites!